The President recently proclaimed
Al Qaeda to be defunct and the war against terrorism to be over. The attack on the Libyan Consulate surely
shows the opposite, that Al Qaeda is alive and well. What does this mean for the United
To begin with, just
because you cut off the head of a snake does not mean that the snake is
dead. Obama took comfort in the fact
that he was able to take out several top lieutenants in the Al Qaeda
organization and told us the leadership ranks of the organization had been
obliterated. What he is faced with now
is the plain fact that… Al Qaeda is still on-going and very tough customer to
deal with. In fact, Al Qaeda is
obviously capable of delivering stunning attacks in what should be secure
In other words, the war on terror continues, regardless of the Messiah’s
As I write this, it comes
out that the Libyan Consulate buildings were horribly constructed from a security
standpoint. How can you defend staff
with paper-thin walls? We already know
that the presence of armed security personnel was virtually non-existent. There is no one the Administration can blame
for these security breaches except itself.
In January, automatic
cuts in the Pentagon budget will severely gut our ability to conduct a war on
terrorism overseas. We will have to draw
down our military personnel and send them home to try and find a job in a
jobless economy. We will also be wide
open for more future terrorist attacks right here on our own soil because we won’t
have the intelligence assets required to protect us. Congress appears to be unwilling to deal with
this threat and we have a President who is hopelessly detached from the reality
of it.
Are you ready to see
terrorist bombs go off in the shopping mall where your spouse and children are
shopping? At the football stadium? In your church? I’m quite serious here: how are we going to
stop this type of activity with the President we currently have in charge?
respectfully submitted.