Wednesday, January 09, 2013



Yesterday, I rained on a company that is doing the worst of deeds: misrepresenting the facts to your financial disadvantage, thereby ripping you off.  Today, I am equally compelled to toot somebody's horn.  

We all are suspicious, with good reason, about the media and the press.  We cannot trust what they are saying, or not saying to us and we all  know that the bulk of our news sources are under direct control of the government and/or political factions.  It's a well-known fact that the journalists of today are no longer reporters to American citizens of what our government is actually doing to us or for us.  Even FOX NEWS falls into this category to some extent, although they appear to be the fairest of current TV outlets.  

What we all want to have at our fingertips are the facts of the day.  We're not imbeciles; we have the ability to assimilate facts and reach our own conclusions.  We do not need to be told how or what to think, or misled by false pretenses.  The question is, where can we turn?  How do we know that what FOX is saying is the truth? What is the real story behind the story?  Why can't we get important news throughout the day instead of snippets in the middle of talk shows and news "magazines?"  

Now comes a new network that fills the need.  I've been watching it off and on, more and more on than off, since it graduated from the Internet to Dish TV. The more I watch, the more I am certain it will succeed, because it is not accepting government money and it is not beholding to special interests.  This appears to me to be a network that presents the truth in a truthful way and which will provide the analysis in other shows if you really want analysis.  Additionally, it is blending itself into new advances in communications technology; some exciting things are happening and coming soon to your tablets.  

The network is called THE BLAZE, currently on Dish and, I hope soon to be on all of the major cable networks.  If your network does not have it, catch them on the internet.  The network is refreshingly American and a great asset to this country.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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