Monday, September 30, 2013



There's not another word I can use for it; they're ugly.  They're un-American.  They're ineffective.  They're useless.  Ugly is the best descriptive word.  

The whole thing about delaying legislation until the last possible moment is solely for the purpose of scaring and frustrating the American public into going along with their childish games.  You get one or two of them who stand up for America and the rest of the bastards shout them down.  This is not the way our democracy is supposed to work.  What we have going on in Washington is government by intimidation. 

This has simply got to stop.  We have elections coming up next year and we need to turn every damned one of them, Republican and Democrat, out of office.  Not one of them should make it past their primaries.  We cannot continue to moan about the fact that only 12%-15% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job if we turn around and reelect them term after term.  The jackasses we have in office don't deserve their jobs, period. 

I'm sorry for the crappy language, but they started it.  We have a Hill full of assholes who are calling US names; we're their bosses and we're not doing anything about it? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, resectfully submitted. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013


When I first heard Nancy Pelosi proclaim that the budget cupboard is bare, I couldn't believe my ears.  You could probably cut $500 billion off the budget in waste alone... maybe even $1 trillion if you cut her salary as well.  We also spend so damned much money on worthless projects and in supporting other country governments who don't give a hoot about any one of us.  

The first place they should cut the budget is with ObamaCare.  That's a NEW program that's going to add NEW costs to the budget when we can't afford the costs we already have.  

And then I got angry.  I thought about writing a nasty, snide post about Ms. Pelosi and actually got halfway through it when I started to reflect that she can't help herself; so, I backed away from it.  You see, where I come from, when people are untamed and wild, not in control of their faculties, you simply have to forgive them. Always remember: hell hath no fury like a lunatic scorned. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, September 27, 2013



Events of recent days make it crystal clear: Muslims have declared war on Christians.  Muslims are attacking and destroying Christian churches throughout the Middle East and attacking and killing Christians wherever they find them.  The true test of Christian faith is coming: the day may just around the corner when you have to stare at the wrong end of a gun and declare whether you are a Christian or a Muslim.  

There are three even more disturbing facts: (1) America is full of Muslims; (2) no American Muslims are speaking out against this war on Christianity; (3) Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Kerry, Clinton and others expect you to give up your guns.    

The signs are in the air.  We are surrounded by evil.  Worldwide conflict could spark at any moment.  How are you prepared to deal with it?  How will you protect your family? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Obama's Reaction

John Kerry has signed the United Nations Gun Ban Treaty under the direction of President Barack Hussein Obama against 85% of the American wishes.  All that remains for this treaty to become the law of the land, perhaps even trumping the Second Amendment to the Constitution, is for the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty.  There was a Senate referendum on this subject a few months ago: NOTE: only 53 Senators out of 100 voted against such a treaty at that time.  It is entirely possible this treaty will be ratified on a straight party line vote. 

It's time for Americans to rise up and run this destructive dictator out of office.  Whatever it takes, impeachment, storming Washington in protest, demanding a national referendum... this unadulterated crap must stop now.  



The State Department has confirmed that, under direction from President Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry will sign the U.N. Arms control Treaty today. 

It is extremely possible that our Democratic-controlled United States Senate will ratify that signature.  

Have a nice day. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 23, 2013



Whether or not the attempt to defund ObamaCare succeeds is conjecture at this point.  Whether or not Obama, faced with a bill passed by the House and a Democratic-controlled Senate would actually veto it is anybody's guess.  

We Americans do have a say-so in this.  We have a vote; we don't have to wait until 2014 to exercise it.  October 1st is the starting date for people to sign up for the new insurance exchanges.  Failing to show up and register is a loud vote against it.  If the 60% to 70% of the people who are against t refuse to sign up for it, it will die of its own weight.  Why should we be like lambs going to the slaughter?

Let's take back our country. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the United States Post Office has evolved into a bottomless money pit.  Why in the Sam Hell some postal guru didn't see what was coming and take the U.S.P.O. in the direction of U.P.S. or FedEx when the opportunity presented itself, I will never know.  What I do know is that they seem to be asking for a rate increase every other month.  This time, I think they've outworn their welcome. 

There just isn't anything that our government can tackle that doesn't evolve into becoming a bottomless money pit.  For one thing, there's enough fraud in our government to totally fund most other governments on this planet.  Private business could operate any one of our government agencies for far less than they are being operated for now.  

Why will ObamaCare be any different? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, September 20, 2013



Remember the great debt ceiling battle of 2009?  Remember how the Tea Parties got into the fracas and we were all sending tea bags to Congress?  Remember how Obama, Reid and Pelosi were all in a snit because those nasty Tea Party members, those racists from hell, had the audacity to tell our government that we'd had enough of their high-spending, devil-may-care attitudes?  

Just four years ago today, we were approaching a $12 trillion debt ceiling and the Republicans were vowing to dig in and respond to Americans who were scared stiff and sick and tired of it.  And today, we're at $17 trillion and looking at the same old question: When, oh when are we going to get our heads out of our butts?  But, one thing has changed.  I heard it Wednesday night on Fox, when  Utah Senator Mike Lee and Texas Senator Ted Cruz were on Hannity.  Now, it seems, we're ready to fund anything and everything, even the programs we don't like, in order to defund ObamaCare.  

From that, I gather we're ready to raise the debt ceiling right now to $20 trillion and let Obama fund abortions just for the ability to delay ObamaCare funding for another year?  Or, is the real cat out of the bag, that the Republicans are just simply ready to raise the debt ceiling again period, and all of the rest of the story is merely a song and dance, dog and pony show? 

I forget who it was, but someone at the time was proclaiming in 2009 that by the time Obama gets out of office in 2016, we'd be in debt $22 trillion.  "That will never happen," stormed Boehner.  Let's see, $19 trillion this year, $21 trillion next year and $23 trillion in 2016?  And the audacity of Standard & Poor's to downgrade our national credit rating because we can't get control of our spending.  No wonder Obama's suing them: They spoke the truth! 

But, here we go again.  Who cares if our kids and grandkids and great grandkids have to learn how to speak Chinese, right?  Why should we care?  Hell, while we're at it, let's even get rid of sequestering. 

I don't know about you, but I'm in the kitchen counting my teabags again.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully  submitted. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013



As we get closer to the implementation of ObamaCare, it becomes increasingly evident that the program is fundamentally flawed.  Virtually every segment of our society, including the uninsured, is being adversely impacted by this law, which also promises to send our national debt skyrocketing.  The Republicans have tried many ways to derail the impending "train wreck" before it happens.  But, what would happen if they succeeded?  

Before ObamaCare, the nation was faced with rapidly increasing medical care costs, from insurance premiums, to prescriptions, to hospital stays and to office visits.  That trend continues under ObamaCare, perhaps to a larger degree; the absence of ObamaCare is unlikely to curb the appetite of "Big Med" for more of our hard-earned money. 

It is correct to try and stop Obamcare.  What is wrong here is that, until now, no one has come forward with a viable alternative solution to the problem.  A group of House conservatives introduced legislation yesterday that could replace ObamaCare and its “unworkable” taxes and mandates with a plan that expands tax breaks for Americans who buy their own insurance. Under the proposal endorsed by the 175-member Republican Study Committee, Americans who purchase coverage through state-run exchanges can claim a $7,500 deduction against their income and payroll taxes, regardless of the cost of the insurance. Families could deduct $20,000.  The plan also increases government funding for high-risk pools.  
It would also be wise for the House to have the study committee confer with business executives, insurers and providers in this process.  But, This is certainly a welcome step in the right direction.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Here we are, just one day after a bloody shooting rampage in Washington D.C. and the chief topic of the talking heads is the audacity of the President to go ahead and give his economic speech while the "event" was still in full motion.  How tasteless it was for him to lambaste the Republicans with a partisan political speech; how inappropriate it was for him to wait until evening before lowering the White House flag to half-staff.  

These attacks on the President are onerous and uncalled for.  We all know that this President is a narcissistic and insensitive cad.  Belaboring the fact in a time of national tragedy is petty.  Who really cares if Obama made an ill-timed speech?  Who listens to any of his speeches anymore, anyway?  All of the major networks and news carriers ignored him and stuck with the Washington Naval Yard story.  Whenever he speaks, 90% of the television sets in the country either get switched to a different channel or shut off. 

There are so many and much more important issues of the day to contend with.  When are we going to get to the bottom of Fast & Furious?  Why won't the President authorize the interview of Benghazi survivors?  If the N.S.A. is gathering so much information about Americans on the basis of preventing terrorism, why didn't they intercede in Boston or even in Washington?  When are we going to find out how infested the I.R.S. is with political agendas?  On what basis did the D.O.J. surveil the Associated Press, James Rosen and others, and who else was a victim?  

Those are the questions we should be concerned with.  The flak over his Monday speech is illustrative of the depths to which our national journalism has sunk.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013



President Obama said Sunday that he welcomes Vladimir Putin's involvement in the Syrian crisis.  That undoubtedly was his response to being made to look like a klutz in his own handling of the showdown.  

But, he went on to assert: “This is not the Cold War. This is not a contest between the United States and Russia.”  That statement underscores the fact that we have an incompetent nincompoop for President.  Putin is a snake of the worst kind.  He himself is responsible for the use of chemical weapons in prior Soviet Union and Russian conflicts.  As the former head of the KGB, he is responsible for the "disappearance" of countless people and the ruthless enforcement of Kremlin doctrine.  

Putin is by far no friend of the United States.  His artful maneuvers of last week which put Russia in the driver's seat in the Middle East were designed to do just that; they were not designed to help resolve a United States crisis with Syria.  It now appears that Obama would like to get in bed with the snake.  When you get in bed with snakes, you get bit.  

I think we need to be seriously afraid of what this President is doing to our country and where it's going to lead.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, September 16, 2013



Sorry about yesterday's lack of a post.  I now should change my moniker to "Scarface, the Unknown Scribbler."  There's nothing like a bad and unexpected fall to restore humility to the soul.  

As far as Obama goes, I have to presume that Syria no longer exists.  He has a tendency to dismiss unpleasant experiences from his memory bank, such as: Operation Fast & Furious; the College Cop gaffe that ended up costing him a beer on the White House Lawn; Benghazi; transparency; and the list goes on, and on.  He's working on dismissing the I.R.S., N.A.S., D.O.J., Snowden and other issues as I write.  

There is a danger to this unbelievable tale, however.  Putin and Obama could become close friends.  After all, Putin literally plucked Obama's posterior from the fire. Barry owes him big-time for that.  Putin also assumed the leadership role in the Middle East, leaving the United States wallowing about in the dust.  That doesn't exactly please Netanyahu, but he's an intelligent man; he can learn how to speak Russian.  

Now, if Kerry can manage to keep things together long enough, maybe he'll run for President again?  Right now, he could beat Hillary in a heartbeat. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013



Late yesterday, I was walking into a convenience store when I tripped.  After 12 stitches in the hospital, I wasn't really up to researching and writing for today's post.  I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Back on September 3rd, I wrote about a fine kettle of fish.  As the ensuing week or so has played out, the fish have been percolating.  

Obama, in the course of shucking, ducking, bobbing and weaving, displayed a total lack of command of the situation to the extent that the sawed-off-little-runt in North Korea, Kim Jong Un, has decided to fire up his nuclear reactor again.  I guess he figures the "Paper Tiger" in the White House has no fangs.  Putin, never one to miss an opportunity, has screwed Obama right to the wall by giving Iran a missile defense system and a battery of surface-to-air missiles that will make it virtually impossible for Israel or the U.S. to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.  And, just to add a little frosting to the cake, Putin also announced that Russia will build a nuclear reactor for Iran.  How nice.  

Well, just what are we going to do about it?  We're going to unilaterally reduce our own nuclear weapons stockpile, that's what. And late yesterday, it came out that Obama may be willing to sign an agreement not to attack Syria if they turn over their chemical weapons to the U.N.  Get ready for another prolonged, drawn-out song and dance routine like we had with Hussein.  

Perhaps, had we bombed the hell out of Damascus the day after the chemical weapons were used, maybe even using a small nuke, things would be different.  As it is, however, the world now knows for certain that we have a President who belongs in a Mickey Mouse costume at Disney World.  If it's that bad now, how bad is it going to be by the time he finishes his term?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, September 13, 2013



The gun lobby took glee in Tuesday's vote in Colorado to recall two of the key players in the recent enactment of Colorado's tough gun control laws.  There are, however, a few disconcerting disclosures in the vote tallies.  The vote was 51% to 49% to recall the state's President of the Senate John Morse and 56% to 44% to recall Senator Angela Giron.  A whopping 40% of eligible voters turned out.  

What this suggests to me is that 49% of the voters thought that the new gun control measures are okay.  That is, 49% of the voters in Colorado have no clue about how our country was founded, why we broke from England or why our forefathers wrote the Constitution the way they did.  That's a disturbing thought to contemplate.  

Of course, it also shows that only 40% of the state thinks enough about our Constitution to get out and vote on such an important issue.  It also says that Colorado voters discriminate against women, inasmuch as Giron only got 44% of the vote to Morse's 49%. 

It also tells me that 49% of residents would prefer to go to the movies unarmed and to allow some deranged gunman to come in and start shooting at will.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013



The week leading up to Obama's Tuesday night speech had him turning in every possible direction, desperately trying to pry himself loose from his self-inflicted Syrian wounds.  In bouncing back and forth and weaving like a sluggish Mohamed Ali, Obama proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he is not capable of dealing with that infamous 3:00 AM telephone call, which finally explains why he got on the plane and flew to Vegas during the Benghazi Massacre. 

As a result of his inconsistent and ill-thought-out responses to events as they unfolded, he even had many liberal pundits questioning his abilities.  His wild-eyed appearance during his prime-time speech added to conjecture that he might finally be "losing it."  

If only someone could make him dance over ObamaCare like Putin had him dancing over Syria, maybe we'd have a chance at saving ourselves from total economic and social disaster.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Obama claims the world is against the use of chemical weapons in war.  Yet, where are all of those other nations to stand behind that statement?  Sure, he can always count on Nancy and Harry, but where is everyone else int he world?  

I guess they either don't agree with him, or they don't trust him any more than we do.  Either way, he has engineered himself into a position of being... irrelevant.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



It's a sad day when we don't know whether to believe Obama or Assad.  We know one thing for certain: Obama is a liar and Assad is a liar.  Given that, Obama claims Assad used chemical weapons and Assad says if gas was used, the rebels did it.  

You'd ordinarily believe your President in a heartbeat.  

Enter Vladimir Putin, who has been saying for several days that his sources show that the gas was used by the rebels.  And then yesterday, Iran comes forth and says it has been warning the U.S. for over a year that Syrian rebels had acquired chemical weapons.  

Well, Obama DID lie about Benghazi.   Obama just the other day lied to the world about his "red line" remark.  Obama lied to us about the costs of ObamaCare.  Obama lied to us about...  well, let's just ask ourselves: "Has Obama ever told us the truth about anything?"  I hate to drag this subject up, but just where in the hell was Obama really born?  

Let's face it: We have a liar for a President.  We have to question everything he says.  How can you trust him in the Syrian matter?   How can Israel and the rest of the world trust him on Iranian nukes?  

We do we even bother to listen to a single word he says? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 09, 2013



In an unbelievable twist, Lindsay Graham is now talking like a left-wing Obama lackey out there trying to lie and spin the Syrian scenario to convince us to let Barry go bomb Syria to his delight.  Graham is suggesting that both Iran and Iraq will be at war within six months and that an Iranian nuke will end up in the United States in the belly of a ship, set to go off in New York, Charleston or wherever. 

Just what are those jerks in Washington smoking these days? Has all of the country gone MAD, MAD, MAD?

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION,  respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, September 07, 2013


The whole liberal camp now has its bowels in an uproar because Vladimir Putin called John Kerry a "liar."  At the risk of being a scalawag, I say: "Hooray for Putin for being the only left-wing guy in the world willing to call it like it is." 

Remember Kerry's claim to having 93 purple hearts?  Remember Kerry getting caught dodging taxes on his private yacht?  This guy has more lies, spins and mis-truths than Al Gore and Hillary Clinton combined.  

In fact, there's not a single member of this Administration who is willing to stand up and accept responsibility for what they do and say.  They lie, they spin, they divide, they condescend... They are the consummate description of the word "snake."  

Do you believe Kerry when he says Assad used chemical weapons and he's going to use them again?  Or is it really all about trying to save poor Barry's face?  Putin said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  Putin now says the chemical weapons used in Syria were not used by Assad.  Does John Kerry really have 93 purple hearts?  

Now, I happen to believe chemical weapons were deployed by Assad.  I can't prove it, but I believe it.  But when Putin calls Kerry a liar, who do you think we should believe?

Oh, what crapola you conceive when at first you practice to deceive. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, September 06, 2013



There's nothing like getting on the road to find out what people are really thinking, "away from the fog" of the talking heads in Washington and on the air.  

Yesterday, I traveled from northern California to Wendover, Nevada and made several stops along the way.  Pretending to have not been listening to the news, I asked two questions: (1) What's the latest on the Syrian situation and (2) What do you think is going to happen?  The answers were that it was "the same old thing" of a lot of talk and posturing and that "they don't give a damn about what we want anyway, they're just making political talk to make us think they heard us and then they're going to do what Obama wants.  

Americans are really dejected about where our country is and where it is heading.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 05, 2013



Here's the long and the short of it.  In a democracy, the authority of government comes from the people.  A majority of Americans want no part of Syria.  Congress is on the precipice of ramming through an approval for Obama to attack Syria.

I rest my case.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2013



Obama's lackeys appeared before a Senate committee yesterday and made a concerted effort to sell some kind of a strike against Syria.  In the process we heard, "We intend to degrade Assad's ability to wage war against his own people, but we have no intentions of aiding the rebels."  Huh?  Say that again with a straight face.  

Obama has been having secret meetings with staffers and/or Congressional members; you had Kerry and company on the hill yesterday.  All of the Democrats are out in force, parroting the Administration's harangue.  It's a full-court press on getting backing for Obama's intended adventure into Syria.  They've got more arguments than Carter has liver pills: "If we don't do something, the world will end."  Lah, dee, dah.  

If it's all that important, why is Obama going to the G-20 Summit instead of staying in Washington and herding this through? THAT, my friends, is the question of the day.   

Well, John Boehner made an ass out of himself by suggesting that we "need to do this."  I used to think he was an intelligent and clear thinker.  I know that 60% of the nation is against taking action in Syria.  I suggest that those who object start faxing and emailing their Congressional delegates right now, this very minute.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2013



Lindsey Graham asks a good question: "If we can't properly handle chemical weapons in Syria, how are we going to respond to the nuclear threat in Iran?"  Well, that's a good point, but the answer is: "The same way we've responded to the nuclear threat in North Korea."

Let's face it: We're at a time when we need a very strong leader in Washington.  The sad part about it is that, with the exception of some recently retired military types, I don't see that kind of leadership in either party.  We've degraded ourselves to being a nation of weenies. 

Now then, does that mean that I agree with Graham that we should go bomb the hell out of Assad's military assets?  Should we so cripple him that a rebel victory is virtually assured.  If so, what is our game plan for dealing with Al Qaeda when they take over?  What is our game plan for dealing with Russia if they intervene or with an Israeli tragedy if Iran or Syria send missiles there?  

Let me be candid: The last place on the face of this earth I want to be is in a foxhole next to Obama.  He has proven himself to be incapable of dealing with the enemy.  With the situation being as volatile as it is the the Middle East, we have no business firing a B-B gun over there until we get our own ducks in a row and that is not going to happen without a regime change in the White House. 

And, at this stage of the game, any action on our part must be seen as an act of war.  If you're going to war, you want someone in charge who is well-acquainted with the subject matter.  Obama should stay out of Syria and deal with the domestic war instead... The Benghazi Massacre, I.R.S., N.A.S., D.O.J. ad infinitum. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 02, 2013