Thursday, January 10, 2013



Bank of America has seized the deposits of a well-known gun manufacturer, (American Spirit Arms), and shut down the company’s line of credit because the bank does not believe the firm should be selling gins on the Internet.  “[W]e are a firearms Manufacturer with all the proper licensing FFL (Federal Firearm license), SOT and that we follow all Federal and All States’ rules and regulations on shipping Firearms and parts .. and that we are also Audited by ATF and Homeland Security on a regular basis,” the company owner wrote. 

The bank eventually did release about 30% of the Internet credit card sales, but has thus far refused to budge on releasing the credit line or the rest of the credit card funds.  The company says it has had a tremendous surge in gun sales since Obama announced he’s going after guns.  The bank obviously is taking the position that the sale of guns on the Internet is either a moral outrage or illegal.  The bank, as of the time of this post, has refused comment on the issue. 

As long as a business is legal, no bank has the right to discriminate in its business relationship.  It must be remembered that Bank of America received a huge bailout as Obama began his first term.  I think it is high possible, even probable, that Obama is going to attack gun ownership in this country in a variety of ways, including drying up the cash flow.  The next move would be for Bank of America to say that I cannot use my credit or debit card in any gun shop, and for Visa, MasterCard and others to refuse to process credit transactions for gun shops or any retail business which sells guns or ammo. 

This is beyond being scary stuff.  One can almost hear the clomp, clomp, clomp of boots in the streets as America falls into the grip of fascist dictatorship.  Hang on to your guns and Bibles folks; the days ahead are going to be trying times. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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