Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Obama's proposition that the President has the sole right to determine what the national debt ceiling will be is both ludicrous and extremely dangerous, especially since the Senate has refused to pass a budget for the last three years and has therefore succeeded in violating its Constitutional responsibilities; the House may grumble about it, but why hasn't the House brought suit against the Senate in the Supreme Court to obtain a Writ of Mandamus and force the Senate to comply? 

Is our House that lame?  

We have a country without a budget and a President who claims only he has the right to set the national debt limit and our nation therefore has totally uncontrolled spending.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is why Obama has been able to personally rack up over 1/5 of the total nearly $17 trillion in debt.  Unfettered, he is likely to increase the national debt to $25 trillion before leaving office and to be able to claim he added half of it. 

He who controls the purse strings controls the government; the prior paragraphs clearly lay out my case that Obama is therefore a dictator, because he surely is in total control of the purse strings. 

Why isn't the House taking the offensive on this? 

This is our country, not theirs.  We, the people, have every right to see a governmental budget and we are the ones who have the right to set the debt ceiling.  The fact that the Senate is complicit in this conspiracy is clear; the fact that the House is allowing it to continue is also clear.  I believe that these are impeachable offenses.  I believe that there is an active conspiracy to subvert the Constitution and I believe the time has come for the populace to stand up and do something about it. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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