Thursday, June 30, 2011


The issue is not if we should be in Libya.  There are pros and cons to the argument about humanitarian concerns and the criminal background of Ghadafi versus the legal authority for is to intervene.  Nor is the issue about whether or not our troops are on the ground and taking charge directly, or whether we are doing it through the auspices of a NATO support role.  Those are all side issues. 

The issue is whether or not the President has the authority to send our troops into battle in a foreign country without Congressional approval unless we have been attacked first or such an attack is imminent.  Semantics are semantics, but they do not apply here.  Obama contends that there is some subliminal difference between sending troops and arms without a formal declaration of war and having a declaration of war, as if it is not an act of war unless you declare it to be so even though you are sending troops and weapons.  I don’t know about you, but both of those are acts of war, pure and simple. 

Nevertheless, put that aside for the moment.  Ask yourself why, except in cases of national emergency, just one person… The President… should have the authority to put our young men and women into potential harm’s way.  His answer is that he can send troops anywhere at any time without Congressional approval as long as it is a “support role” and not war.  Yes, he does admit that he should have conferred with Congress out of some meek sense of propriety, but insists that the situation was so bad in Libya that he just didn’t have time.  I guess there was no way he could call the top Congressional leaders over to the White House for a briefing; just simply not enough time. 

The arrogance of this President toward our Constitution and our laws is too much to bear.  He should be impeached for this and a multitude of other transgressions against our country.  You know it and I know it. He makes Nixon look like a saint. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011



It's bad enough that our Federal Government under President Obama and Congress has failed to deliver an answer to the jobs problem.  The Republicans are insistent that the business climate has to be better to create jobs and the Democrats are saying that given enough time, their stimulus programs will get things moving.  Because neither side is budging and jobs are not being created, the situation continues to be bleak and the unemployed are paying the penalty for it. 

Now a new and much more sinister snake rears its ugly head.  Due to the large number of unemployed, businesses are being inundated with applications whenever they advertise an open position; this is often unmanageable.  So, the HR heads get together to try and resolve this issue and guess what they come up with? The thought process logically progresses to a theory that people who are employed are better employees and are being retained by their current employers for that reason; the weak employees are on the streets looking for work. 

Hence,  the evolution to:  "Unemployed need not apply."  

Now, this truly is a form of class warfare and it's being perpetuated by a government that refuses to get off the dime and change things.   It makes me sick. 

But, that's not all.  Families that lose their jobs, homes, cars, furniture end up turning to social agencies for assistance and they answer?  Men and women must be segregated and families must be broken up.  We have students dropping out of school, people going hungry, suicides... 

The failure of our government to get people back to work is creating a horrible, ugly blight on our society and it is immoral, unethical and contrary to every value that we as human beings should have.  A government that refuses to lay down its political positions and to resolve such a situation within its own humanity is not only negligent, it is guilty of a crime of the worst magnitude.   

How can we justify sending one damned dime to another nation while this situation exists?  How can we justify being at war in three foreign countries when this situation exists?  How can we as a nation focus on a Blagojevich, a Casey Anthony, an Anthony Weiner... when this situation exists? 

When are we actually going to do something about it? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I was ensconced in the waiting room of a car dealership, hoping and praying that there was enough money left in my sinking bank account to cover the car repairs that were taking place.  Hiding with my nose deep into my laptop, I could hear the other unfortunate souls lamenting and commiserating about their misfortunes and their similar prayers for reasonable costs for their own repairs.  The ruckus was like listening to a chorus full of women in a hair salon. 

Everyone in there was ticked off at Congress and the President.  I mean to tell you that out of about 25 people, not one took the side of government.  And the diatribe was horrendous, calamitous.  The din was so loud that someone actually got up and walked over and turned off the TV, saying, “I don’t know about you guys, but I am so sick and tired of hearing what is coming out of Washington that I just simply don’t want to listen to the crap anymore.”  There was general agreement; even the guy emptying the trash concurred.    

Here is the issue.  Most of us legal Americans were brought up to obey the law and to always do what is right.  We were taught moral and ethical values that kept us out of trouble for all of our lives.  “If you always stand on the right side of things, you will always win the day.” 

I cannot begin to tell you how many times in my life I have had to own up to something that I did that did not turn out right.  There were countless times when I knew that an employee was right in their stance against an overbearing boss, and I took the risk of standing up and defending them.  I just have been involved in a situation where the boss is doing something unethical and immoral, I’m a consultant, and an employee came to me and asked me for advice.  Talk about being between a rock and a woman’s purse…..

Anyway, I was in an ethical situation here.  How do I counsel the employee that he is right and he should quit rather than do what he is being asked to do, when I am likewise drawing a paycheck from the same employer?  You know what?  I thought about that decision for less than a fleeting second.  Stand on the side of right and you will always win the day.  The employee was a very good employee and I hated to see him go, but he walked into the boss’ office and told him where to stick it.  Unbelievably, faced with the choice between losing the good employee and gaining some self-advantage by doing something wrong… the employer relented and changed his mind.  He did what was right. 

You know where I am going with this, don’t you?  There they are in Washington, our President and our Congress.  How long has it been since any of them stood up and did what is right for this country?  How many of them consistently put their own agendas and their political interests far ahead of what is right?  If, after reading this little epistle, how many of them will have the guts and the courage to stand up and start running this country like it was supposed to be run? 

How many will set aside their Republican or Democratic Party dictates and stand up and do what is right for this country?  I’m not talking about the budget, or the economy, or jobs, or war, or healthcare or energy or anything else in particular; I’m talking about all of it.  Every day of every week that they are in their jobs, how many of them are willing to always do what is right, regardless of the consequences?   

I’ll bet you will need less than one finger to count them.

Do you really want to reelect them?  Or do you really want to take our country back? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


Thursday, June 23, 2011



The news coming out of Washington about the economy has been, at the very best, dismal this past week.  All indicators say we are back in deep cow manure.  The Federal Reserve has issued warnings about the “economic recovery” and the Congressional Budget Office has issued even more urgent warnings about the debt.  Now, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has walked out of budget talks while lamenting that the Democrats flatly refuse to even discuss spending reduction unless the Republicans agree to extensive tax increases. 

In the meanwhile, the supposed leader of the free world is off on another campaign trip and his chief lackey, Joe Biden, is doing the fiddling while the nation’s economic bus heads for the cliff. 

Is this sweet, or not? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, June 20, 2011



Let's face it; the Republicans are just as guilty when it comes to spending our money as the Democrats are.  Yes, the Democrats, Obama in particular, have really jacked the debt up at a drastic rate these past 2-1/2 years, but the Republicans have had their moments as well.  So, this ongoing blame game is pure bull. 

We've known for well over a year that we need to rein in spending in a responsible and comprehensive way.  Yet, we started the blame game on day one, we're still playing it and no progress has been made.  If we don't get past the blame game, we don't stand a chance. 

Or, is it all just a dog and pony show?  If they are both complicit in creating the debt, then are they both equally complicit in playing the public right now?  Is this just all smoke and mirrors, a big charade?  Did they get together in the back rooms and create a stage show to try and placate the public and do they intend to raise the debt ceiling and keep right on spending anyway?

Obama keeps on spending, Boehner cries in outrage that we need to stop, they both go golfing and just what do you think is coming next?  

Go ahead.  Raise the damned debt limit.  You know you're going to do it, so cut the play acting and let's get it over with.  What the hell... Who cares anyway?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Expounding on my post of the 14th

They are so glib when they say it: “A politician’s life is separate from his personal life.”  This originally was the excuse offered up by one William Jefferson Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.  I choose this particular scandal to make a point, being that a politician’s personal ethical and legal wrongdoings transcend the right to privacy.  Why?  Because such wrongdoings go to the moral character of the individual involved. 

The proof?  William Jefferson Clinton cheated on his wife and he did it on the rug in the Oval Office, and then he lied under oath about it.  If he will screw around on his wife and lie under oath, what else will he do?  Make crooked deals?  Accept bribes?  Cheat on his tax return?  If he will screw around on his wife, will he screw around on the American public? 

How would you take it if you woke up tomorrow to discover that every Congressman was poking his secretary and every Congresswoman was sacking with her staff?  Further, what if they lied about it when caught red-handed? 

We are taught to look up to our public figures.  How can we tell our sons to have good moral character when we have a William Jefferson Clinton or a Barack Hussein Obama as President, and we elected them?  Obama?  Am I accusing Obama of sexual escapades?  Not in the pure sense of the word, but he is screwing us by flagrantly violating our laws and Constitution and ignoring Congress. 

Here it is, pure and simple: we need to get back to moral, ethical and religious values in this country.  We have a Congress… our nation’s Capitol… so full of corruption and sleaziness that we should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing it to occur. We don't need Charlie Rrangel in Congress.  He should be long gone, and so should Maxine Waters.  Already, there is talk about how Anthony Weiner will return to Washington; how can this be? 

I am not saying that every tidbit of a politician’s life should be in the public realm.  I really don’t care how often the President has sex or what position he uses.  I don’t know that I care so much who he has sex with as long as it does not become public knowledge.  When you screw someone besides your wife, you do take that risk of being discovered and losing everything you have in life.  If you feel that your penis is entitled to wander, that is your business.  But, when it becomes public, it shows the rest of the country what sad kind of character you really have. 

My position, not missionary, is that we hold our politicians out to our children as being good examples of how our children should grow up.  When our politicians betray that trust, they need to be removed, post haste.  If you disagree, you need to go to church on Sunday and you need to re-examine your own values. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011



Faced with increasing export of jobs to foreign countries, continuing high unemployment, declining sales, increasing taxes and rising benefit costs, the amount of cash being taken home by our workers has plummeted to the lowest point in recorded history, according the the Department of Labor.  With nearly 14 million people out of work, Americans are looking to Washington for help.  But whether a new plan proposed President Obama's jobs council will have a major impact remains to be seen. 

President Obama created a special committee to look into the growing national deficit and budgetary crisis, then ignored their recommendations.  It is therefore highly likely that he will also ignore recommendations of a special committee looking into unemployment and job creation that largely call for decreased government regulation against small businesses.  Through Obama's anti-business stance, it has become apparent that he feels the country should be strongly socialist with little or no private enterprise in existence, similar to the now defunct Soviet Union.  

But, the key fact here is that another economic indicator has gone south.  This country is in serious trouble and neither our President or our Congress seems willing to come to grips with it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



I've heard it said frequently in the past couple of decades that the private lives of politicians should be just that... private. 

I disagree.  

What goes on in private goes to the soul of the individual, and a guy who will cheat on his wife will cheat when it comes to the ethics of government.  I think that, if you take a close look at major politicians who have allowed their ego and sexual proclivity to rule their day, you will find failures in governing and leading. 

Some would be quick to ask, "What about Clinton?  He was a great President."  

Clinton's chief claim to fame was running a good budget.  Aside from that, he was a lousy President.  So was Kennedy.  So were the Bushes, but for other reasons.  Reagan was THE outstanding President, along with Truman, of the last half of the 20th century, and I don't think they allowed themselves to screw around. 

Weiner needs to be piled onto the trash heap of sullied politicians, if anyone can manage to throw the bum high enough to get there.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


For two-and a-half years now, Barack Obama and the Democrats have been saying that getting people back to work is their number one priority.  During this time, they have consistently understated the extent of the problem; the fact is that far more than 9.1% of this country is unemployed.  With the people forced into early retirement, those whose unemployment compensation has run out, and the basic 4.5% or so who are chronically unemployed anyway, the figure is much closer to 18%. 

A figure they do not give you is how many people have taken a pay cut, a cut on hours, or two jobs to replace the income they formerly had.  I think the figure is close to 8%, making a total of 26% of the work force that has taken a hit. 

When confronted with the facts, we hear everything from, “Yes, we’re aware of it and from now on we’re going to make it our number one priority,” to “Well, you can’t cure a fundamental problem like this overnight.”  Nothing gets done.  “Oh, but we created 400,000 new jobs last month” they’ll claim; but they don’t talk about the 500,000 jobs they lost or the 100,000 net loss. 

Once, there was the real fuzzy math that came out of the White House about the new jobs created as a result of the American Recovery Act, (ARA).  According to Obama, statistics showed that several hundred thousand new jobs were created, but when the more astute populace looked into the claims, they discovered that almost half of the new jobs created were in Congressional Districts that do not exist.  That outright and blatant lie and misrepresentation is symptomatic of the truth about how many Americans are really on the skids and how the Obama Administration sees itself in dealing with the issue. 

In Nixon's day, it was called "stonewalling" to avoid the facts.  

Underlying what I have been saying here is something even scarier.  It’s the lives we are talking about.  There are people losing the roofs over their heads, the clothes off their backs and the food in their bellies.  These are honest and hard working people who are losing their dignity and their hope, while Washington talks about what they are going to do and does nothing. 

There are two reasons jobs are leaving the country: the cost of labor and benefits, and the economy.  Yet, we have done nothing to tackle either problem.  Right now, all politicians are so busy trying to duck out on the deficit issue and to stay away from Weiner that nothing is being done about jobs.  Obama is quick to say, as he campaigns for reelection, that he’s going to make jobs his number one issue if he is reelected, and that is a self-admission that he has not made it his number one issue before.  In fact, I think he’s said every month since he took office that he was going to make jobs his number one issue.  Then, he gets on a plane and flies off to some other world. 

The current strategy of talking big and carrying a small stick is not working.  One would almost think that the consistent failure to step up to the plate and take steps to resolve the problem is intentional.  Why are there no hiring incentives?  Why do you go out and provide incentives for people to buy cars and houses they cannot afford instead of providing incentives for companies to hire people?    

That’s just one simple step that could be taken to move this country off the dime.  I’m sure you can think of some more and so could Congress if they were sincere in solving the crisis.  But Congress is actually in the shuck and duck mode.  How can you come up with proactive and positive legislation when you are shucking and ducking?  

It’s sad to say it, but we need another taxpayer revolution in November of 2012.  We need to get rid of the “do nothings,” including Obama, and we need to get our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers back to work. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2011



Representative Anthony Weiner not only lied, he pointed the finger of blame at a non-existent "hacker."  He denied that he perpetrated the lewd photo caper and wasted Congress' time and our time with his denials.  Now, in his arrogant admittance, he says he's not quitting.  Pelosi hopes to sweep the stench under the rug by holding a phony dog and pony show hearing.  

Weiner is a two-butt thug in a slick suit with a fancy title who thinks he can push people around.  His "in your face" arrogance and attacks on conservatives and the Tea Parties have offended just about everybody. 

He needs to pack his shorts and get out of town.  It would be really neat if he'd take the other left-wing, arrogant liberal in town... Barack Obama... with him. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, June 04, 2011


We could say it’s because the unions have made so many demands on business that it is cheaper for them to do their manufacturing overseas and ship to the United States.  We could say it’s because the economy tanked and Congress failed to do its job.  We could say it’s because businesses over hired in the first place.  There are a lot of things we could say, but they are mostly symptomatic of the real problem: 

  • American business does not give a damn about the end consumer.

To begin with, businesses got rid of live people to answer phones and went to voice mail systems that usually make you wait, sometimes for hours, to talk to anyone.  Then they started hiding behind their websites.  Many of them no longer even have a customer service email address; all they have is answers to generalized FAQ’s.  And, if you do get past the voice mail or website, you end up talking to a jackass in Jakarta. 

You simply cannot talk to an American businessman anymore and, therefore, people are not buying.  When people stop buying, sales and revenues go down and layoffs result.  Let ME be clear: If I want to purchase anything of value, I go to a local small businessman if I can find one who is still in business.  I no longer order from, Office Depot Online,, or a slew of other businesses because they simply do not give one iota about me, the guy who is paying the way. 

It’s not just a customer service issue.  These problems start at the top and flow down through the departments.  Be assured: if you have a President who hides from customers and employees, you have a customer service rep who doesn’t mind telling you where to take your damned problem.  And the lies… the outright lies they tell you.  One rep had the audacity to tell me that the UPS driver opened my box and discovered that the order was wrong, so he sent it back. 

I just spent $3,000 on a new TV, sound system, digital recorder, etc.  The delivery was scheduled for June 2nd.  On June 1st, the delivery company called to arrange a delivery time… on June 21st.  As it turns out, the seller shipped it to the wrong area… 300 miles from me.  In taking on this challenge, I discovered the shipping company didn’t give a rat’s ass; after I finally got past the front line at customer service, the immediate response from the next guy was, in essence, “We don’t care when we promised delivery.  If you don’t like it, you’ll have to wait for it to be delivered, (on the 21st), then ship it back and we will issue a refund within 30 days.” 

These are the reasons you or your neighbor are out of a job.  Money is so tight that when we spend it, we want value and we want service.  If your company was not providing value and service, we quit buying there and you are out of a job.  And while we, the consumers, hope that your employer goes out of business, we really don’t want to see you lose your job, but those are the breaks in a world full of businesses that just don’t care.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


Thursday, June 02, 2011



It's been going on for almost a week now, the story about how someone hacked into Anthony Weiner's computer, inserted a lewd picture of him and then emailed it to one of his Twitter followers.  The FBI won't say if it is investigating.  Weiner won't say whether or not the picture is actually of him.  The press and media are getting blamed, as if they were the hackers. 

Suddenly, the nuclear situation in Iran is gone.  Instantly, the horrible mid-western tornadoes disappeared. The Japan nuclear crisis is over, the economy is cured, we no longer have to worry about the debt ceiling and... the big Weiner is now the big story of the day.  Everyone wants to know... was the picture of the wiener really the Weiner, or is the real wiener someone else?  (Will they change the name of Der Wienerschnitzel to Der Weinerschnitzel?)

Yes, he has always been controversial.  His virulent attacks on the Tea Party and the Republicans have alienated most of America.  His despicable descriptions of conservative ideals have earned him a lot of bad names.  It's not as if the whole country isn't saying to itself, "You deserve the heat, you bum," is it? 

And then, in an elegant gesture, he tries to drag his arch enemy into the mess.  It's our names, he laments.  John Boehner and he have always had problems with their names, as if that were to explain the whole big episode away.  

Frankly, the whole shebang smells like a phony publicity stunt conducted with long-dead fish. Please pass the buns and the gray poop on. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.