Monday, September 29, 2008



Total eligible to vote: 435. Total voting: 433. Fantastic turnout. Vote was 226 against, 207 for the Senate bailout bill. It did not pass.

Now, let's find a better way to deal with this mess.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted

Saturday, September 27, 2008



They can have their $700 Billion bailout and we'll even promise to dance in the streets in support of it.

All they have to do is withdraw from their re-election campaigns and promise never to run again. All of them.

Believe you me, it'll be worth it.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted


HOW DARE THEY politicize this financial crisis while they stick an $800 billion bailout bill up our fannies?

HOW DARE they shave off the $85 billion they already gave to Bear Stearns to make us think it’s “only” $700 billion?

HOW DARE they have the unmitigated GALL to hopscotch around the halls of Congress making faces at each other and trying to make each other look bad while they are refusing to utter one damned word of apology to the American people for what they have allowed to happen? Not one of them has apologized; not one.


We just had the largest bank failure in American history and not one damned politician from either party has said one thing about it.

Washington’s outright lies, manipulations, maneuverings, and inconsiderate behavior toward the American people are beyond reprehensible. Have they no shame? If I were one of those nauseating souls I’d be afraid to go to church on Sunday, lest the roof fall in!

You have a Presidential candidate who has a vote and who represents a constituency of Illinois citizens, who left town and left them holding the bag without a voice and without a vote. He also left the millions of people who intend to vote for him in November without a voice. Caught with his proverbial pants down, he whined to the Senate Majority Leader for help, who promptly chastised the other Presidential candidate, also a sitting United States Senator, for showing up to stand up for his views and for the citizens of Arizona.


Here you have the Presidential debate and you have Obama consistently taking longer than his time and interrupting McCain while he is talking. This is the guy who snuck out of Washington so he wouldn’t have to take a stand on the financial crisis and wouldn’t have to vote on anything or offer any positions until everyone else was lined up. Frankly, I don’t like either one of the candidates. I’ve been upset ever since the primaries.

We’re obviously stuck with what we’ve got. I will say that Obama exemplifies what I have been talking about because, the ignorant, uncouth, undisciplined and tactless idiot kept interrupting McCain whenever McCain was scoring a point against him…talking over McCain, being rude and flatly obnoxious.


And, they expect us to all sit down and shut up?

We need to get rid of them, every last one of them. Regardless of party, they all need to go. They are a disgrace to us and our forefathers.

How DARE they call themselves “servants of the people?”

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here we are, in the middle of an ugly national economic crisis, exacerbated by an out-of-control oil industry, facing a growing threat to international security, and getting ready to pick our next President and Congress. And here we are, watching the Democratic Party show its leadership in full crisis mode, running around like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth while launching a vicious and unparalleled personal attack on the Republican candidate for Vice-President and meanwhile turning its collective back on what was an opportunity to outshine its opponents by dealing with the issues in an effective and responsible manner. In their zeal to tear their opponents apart, they have succeeded only in showing the world where their real priorities…and abilities…are; and, far from being pretty, it’s a very loathsome revelation.

At the same time, we have a current weak administration and a piss-poor Congress that have presided over the eight years leading up to the financial and energy crisis and that has proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that it is either is unwilling or incapable of exerting its influence to prevent, or alleviate, these circumstances. The President, displaying his naiveté in the fundamentals of the investment world, excuses the government bailouts of financial institutions by saying that the investors need to be protected. Investors are presumed to know their risks when they invest; that’s why they expect higher rates of return as the risk goes up. Here, we have the situation where investors got their returns and the taxpayers are taking over the risk.

Therefore, I submit that the McCain/Palin team shines by default; they don’t have to say or do anything except to keep their mouths shut and stay on the high road and they will be the heroes of the day.

But, the Democrats, bound and determined to dig themselves into a deep hole, led the charge to allow for new and restricted offshore drilling when, in two weeks, current regulations against offshore drilling would have expired. So, they perpetrated a sham on the public because the areas they opened up to drilling are not likely to produce much in the way of crude oil. At the same time, they guaranteed that the energy crisis, as well as high oil prices, would be extended. Then, they ran to the microphones to proclaim to the country that they had “taken the bull by the horns” while failing to add that they intended to spread the bull as well.

Enter the hacking and public printing of Sarah Palin’s private Yahoo email account. Does this not all lead one to the realization that the Democrats are flailing and sinking? Where is their platform? Where are their ideas? What are their thoughts on the real issues of the day? Could it be that the answers to these questions are all the same: “Destroy Sarah Palin?” Can that really be the sum of their thoughts?

The United States of America deserves much, much more from one of the two major political parties in the country. To be honest, I’m stunned to realize that I have been seriously considering their candidate while this is how they think. How shallow. How sad.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I’ve been somewhat silent on the Caylee Anthony story from day one. For one thing, I’m not in possession of all of the facts. For another, the stories on the national political scene and overseas with Russia, Georgia, North Korea, Iran…..have been preoccupying my mind, although the national media and press doesn’t seem to share the same interests.

Here we are, just about three months down the road. For one of those months, no one knew Caylee was missing. For two following months, mom has been stonewalling and grandmother has been grand-standing. Yes, grand-mom has been playing the media like suckers, keeping Nancy and Greta running around like busy little beavers trying to extract the facts, to no avail. Enter one bail bondsman and the circus has really come to town.

Down the road, has any positive information come out? Has anyone really investigated the role that the grandfather, a retired policeman, might be playing in a cover-up? Actually, the news has been really negative. The Anthony’s, all of them, are stonewalling it. Grand-mom, ala O.J. Simpson, seems to be running around with T-Shirts and signs pleading for people to go find Caylee. Grand-dad is now taking on the media and others on his doorstep. Caylee’s mom isn’t talking.

We have the smell of death in the trunk of a car, cadaver dogs who hit on it, pizza claims (no one has ever explained why they left the damned pizza in the trunk in the first place), chloroform, and denial, denial, denial. We have mom, virtually hours after Caylee goes bye-bye, out partying and acting as if everything is great. We even have friends saying that mom didn’t say anything about Caylee being missing, and we have Caylee insisting that she was looking on her own, in between parties, I presume.

We have a mom, obviously addicted to drugs or sex or both, (call it narcissism if you want), who steals from her parents without retribution and says, without any evidence to back it up, that she knows her daughter is safe. Well, anyone in heaven is safe. It probably is, I think, that grandmother knows her daughter is guilty and she has decided she doesn’t want to lose both a grand daughter and a daughter, so she has enlisted the aid of her husband in devising a way to…make the truth go away.

So, where do I stand? For one thing, I think Jon Benet Ramsey’s killer did it. Actually, I don’t mean that, but the Boulder City cops totally screwed up the investigation, as we all know. And, I think that the Orlando cops followed suit, led down some dumb paths by grandmother, maybe, but they have screwed it up.

The way the Anthonys are protecting poor little and innocent Casey leads me to believe that she is in total denial, thinking they will save her. She’s probably always lived in this cocoon where mommy and daddy isolated her from reality. Yes, I think they are trying to save her, which makes them accomplices. If it was my choice, I’d throw all three of them into a dark, damp cell, and then I’d start pulling toenails and fingernails until I got the answer. But, this is America and, like O.J. Simpson, Casey is entitled to go free if she and her parents are clever enough to outwit the Orlando justice system.

And, that’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

MCCAIN IS NO SAINT: My Promised Follow-Up

Several weeks ago, (Saturday, July 19, 2008,) I posted my thoughts about Barack Obama, and I promised a follow up with my thoughts about John McCain. What better time to make that post then now, after his VP pick has electrified the Republican Party and right after the Democratic and Republican conventions? I pointed out many of Barack’s faults; now, let’s take a look at John’s.

John spent a long, horrible and horrifying time in a Viet prison and, to his credit, he didn’t break. But, to set the record straight, he had a lot of company in other American soldiers, sailors and airmen. So, I don’t know that his time at the Hanoi Hilton in any way separates him from the rest of the prisoners or makes him eminently well-qualified to be our President. His stay there does show that he has character, but so do the countless other American military prisoners of war, past and present.

John was married to one Carol Shepp, an attractive former model. While he was stuck in a really bad way in the Hanoi Hilton, Carol was back home raising her two children by a prior marriage and a daughter of the McCain marriage. She had a tragic automobile accident that almost crippled her and from which she has never fully recovered. After McCain was released and came back home, he began to have extra-marital affairs, eventually divorced her and married Cindy Hensley. So much for that ugly display of character.

McCain has had questionable relationships with the Keating Five and with Jack Abramoff. John was of one of five U.S. Senators with alleged ties to a well-known savings and loan scam and Lincoln Savings and Loan. Three of the five were found to be directly involved; the other two, including McCain, were charged with “using poor judgment.” As it turns out, questionable campaign contributions were made by Lincoln Savings and Loan and Charles Keating to McCain’s campaign machine. In the Abramoff scandal, Abramoff is a well-known and well heeled Washington lobbyist found guilty of using his political influence on The Hill to gain certain favors for certain individuals and also for cheating some Indian tribes out of money in a lobbying scheme. When evidence started to point to Congressmen and Senators at the Capitol, McCain summarily cut the investigation off. More recently, McCain refused to cancel a campaign contribution fundraiser with Ralph Reed, a close associate of Abramoff’s.

McCain, Chairman of the Senate’s Indian Affair’s Committee, has a reputation for inviting tribal leaders to Washington to discuss their issues and concerns with him, and then either failing to show up for the meeting himself, or refusing to see them. Many of those leaders were among tribes that were being fleeced by Abramoff.

The vast majority of Americans want to take McCain to task over his stance on the illegal immigration issue. McCain is in favor of granting amnesty to those illegals and a path to U.S. Citizenship, although those waiting to enter this country legally are going through seemingly endless red tape and obstacles. Here is a man who is running for the Presidency who is openly in favor of helping a certain class of people to evade the law. McCain also voted for a proposed law that would have required Mexico’s permission for us to build a security wall along our border.

John McCain proposed a gas-tax moratorium on the 18 cent federal gas tax, saying that would help the economy. Not only was the amount a mere drop in the bucket, but it was placed on the books in the first place to help cover the repair and maintenance costs of roads, highways and bridges that are already in a sad state of disrepair. The plan was not well-thought out or considered, to say the least.

So, there it is. I think that I have been fair and objective in my criticisms of Barack Obama and that I have lived up to my promise to voice my criticisms with John McCain.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Friday, September 05, 2008