Saturday, January 26, 2013


If a person believes that his views are right and that anyone who disagrees with him is wrong, is that a sign of mental illness?  That is, if 85% of Americans think the President is wrong on gun control, but he believes he is correct, is he mentally ill?  If the majority of Americans believe we need to get our debt under control, but the President ignores them and spends what he wants, does that mean he is mentally ill? 

If a person believes that, in order to control his life he must control every single person and detail of things around him, does that make him mentally ill?  If an individual refuses to acknowledge his mistakes and runs and hides when events go against him, does that make him mentally ill?  If a person tells lies in order to get out of the lies he has told before, does that make him mentally ill? 

I'd just like to know the answer to these questions, because I'm thinking that our President is an absolute lunatic. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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