Saturday, January 12, 2013


There was a time when Obama didn't want corporate donations for his inauguration.  Now, however, he's encouraging corporations to fork over $250,000 or more apiece for his 2nd spectacle.  Word has it that he'll take the oath on the Quran as opposed to the Bible.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Lewis Farrakhan giving the opening prayer and Bill Ayers administering the oath.  

Nor would I be surprised to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi show up at the podium bearing a crown.  Just imagiine the picture, the crown being lifted by Nancy and Harry from a plush, velvet pillow and gently placed on Obama's head to the music of Tupac Shakur.  And, of course, all of the Hollywood stars will be there in their shimmering nightgowns and plush tuxedos. 

That night, there will be the Coronation Ball.  The Omnipotent One will show up with Princess Michelle in an elaborate carriage drawn by 20 black horses and the trumpets will sound crisply as the duo exits the carriage and struts majestically into the grand ballroom.  There, invited guests will be herded into a single file line where they will pass in front of the Omnipotent One, the High Lord of the Realm, and dutifully kiss his ring. 

I can hardly wait to hear his pronouncements.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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