Tuesday, January 29, 2013



President Obama and the liberal left kicked off their full-court press on gun control yesterday when the Omnipotent One called police chiefs from towns of recent gun violence to the White House for photo ops and grand-standing.  This was quickly followed by a volley of communications from the left calling for cities, counties and states to pull any investments in any company that has anything to do with guns.  Banks are being admonished to cancel lines of credit dealing with gun and ammunition manufacturers and retail outlets.  It’s all about orchestrating the repeal of the Second Amendment. 

Nowhere is there real talk about investigating and resolving the real causes of violence of all types in this country.  It is therefore abundantly clear, that Obama doesn’t give a damn about anything except getting our guns.  And having stirred the pot and fomented an angry response, Obama has jumped on Air Force one and headed to Las Vegas… again. 

I believe that this President has no idea how close he is to having throngs of Americans pulling down fences and storming the White House lawn.   I don’t believe he understands that this country is not going to tolerate anyone, including him, messing with Second Amendment rights. 

My advice to you is to buy a gun if you can find one to buy, get some training on how to use it in self-defense, and join the NRA, the primary protector of gun ownership in America. Don't just think about it; do it today.  He needs to get the message.  

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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