Thursday, January 31, 2013



The big arguments on The Hill yesterday were gun control and immigration reform.  The dim-witted left-wing establishment wants to treat gun violence by making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to own guns without addressing the criminals, the mentally unfit and the sociopaths.  They also want to treat the problems of illegals in the country by making them legal.  

Just like the debt issue, no one in Washington seems willing to tackle the important issues anymore because they are too interested in re-election and in abiding by the wishes of the lobbyists who provide  the funding for them to run.  All we Americans continue to hear is an over-abundance of grand-standing rhetoric.  

Anyone who thinks that building a wall along the border will solve the problems of immigration doesn't understand human nature; if they want to come here, they will find a way and the worse things become in Mexico, the bigger the incentives are for them to get here.  They'll all dig under the fence, sneak in by boat, or travel to Canada and start coming in over that border.  And as long as they get rewarded when they get here with jobs, with amnesty, with health care and other attributes of our society, they are going to keep coming.  

They cry that they want heir families reunited.  Well, then, move back to Mexico.  Now, I'm not saying that we can ship them all back, but we can address the problem and reduce future illegal immigration the same way that we can resolve the issue of violence, and gun violence in particular.  Let's get to the questions of why someone becomes compelled to get his hands on a gun and start shooting as well as how he picks his targets.  In the process, you just might discover that the shooter in Colorado displayed all kinds of mental problems prior to the theater shooting and that the theater where the shootings took place was the only theater in the area that banned carrying of concealed weapons by permit holders, although there were other theaters showing the Batman movie closer to his home that allowed permit holders.  

In the same manner, you might discover that illegals flock to Los Angeles because they are well-received and protected there.  Allowing a path to citizenship here should be tougher than it is for people who migrate here legally, through the system.   No illegal should be given anything; they should be made to earn it.  And, we should be working more closely with the government of Mexico to help it improve socio-economic conditions in that country.  

Only when you cure the disease will the symptoms go away.  Let's not get buffaloed into making rash decisions that don't get the job done completely and in the right way. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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