Thursday, January 03, 2013



The drama on Capitol Hill drew to a close Tuesday night as, predictably, the House Republicans caved in and gave Obama and the Democrats what they wanted.  And, I've been telling you this would be the outcome for several weeks because, the Republicans have lost their way and their spine; what happened last night was just the finishing touch on what once WAS a Grand Old Party. 

The closing hours of this Congressional Session were a disgrace.  Setting aside the so-called "fiscal cliff" for a moment, thousands of victims of Sandy in the northeast are in dire need of federal assistance to start getting their lives back in order.  Boehner and his cohorts promised everyone involved that the House would resolve the issue as soon as the "fiscal crisis" was dealt with and before going home.  But, as soon as the House dealt with the fiscal crisis, Boehner and his cohorts summarily walked out of the House and left the victims of Sandy in a big lurch as he announced there would be no vote on the Sandy aid.  

That action, or lack of it, is despicable.   

The "fiscal crisis" was no crisis at all, but it was a well-planned and executed screwing of the American public in such a manner that the whole country was happy about... being screwed.  And yesterday, all of the dirty little details leaked out.  Your paycheck is going to be smaller for the rest of the year because every wage earner got hit with an increase in Social Security withholding.  There will be no reduction in spending or the debt; in fact, the $600 billion tax increase is all going to increased spending on Obama's favorite projects! 

Yesterday, Obama made it clear that he is not done getting his way.  He announced that he's going after even more taxes and that he will not tolerate anyone trying to play games with the debt ceiling.  "This is only the beginning."  

Boehner clearly got outmaneuvered from the beginning on this issue.  Turrning his back on the victims of Sandy was, I think, the final act in his career as Speaker of the House.  The only good thing to come out of the evening was when he stopped Harry Reid in the hallway and told him to "go f--- yourself."  

I hate to say it, but losers usually resort to exactly those three words when the curtain closes. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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