Saturday, November 03, 2012


When you look at the carnage and devastation left in the wake of hurricane Sandy in the northeastern United States, you wonder how they will ever dig out of it.  When you look at a different kind of carnage and devastation left in the wake of President Barack Hussein Obama, you have to wonder again if we will ever dig out of it. 

I’m hearing something out of those people in the northeast that I’ve never heard from Americans before, and it’s disgusting.  However, it does sum up what has happened to this country in just four years.  What you hear is people wandering around griping and complaining because the Red Cross isn’t there or the electricity isn’t on or there’s no gasoline available; where in the hell is the government, anyway?  You don’t hear any of those famous American lines usually delivered after tragedy strikes such as, “We’re a strong community.  We will lay down our differences and work together to clean this mess up and to help each other through it.”

Where is the optimism that things will get repaired and eventually be back to “normal?”  Moreover, why are we handing over our own self-worth and self-reliance to the Red Cross and the government?  If there’s no water, we quit bellyaching about it and find a way to get it.  If it’s cold, we build a fire and find some blankets.  If there’s no food, we get over to the market and help them clean up their messes and get their refrigeration going again so that there’s a place for the food to go when it does get there.  We set up our own shelter centers and… well, our reliance is not on the government, it’s on ourselves. 

And so it is that we complain daily about the horrible economic mess our country is in, or about illegal immigration, or Benghazi or government interference with our freedoms.  Yes, we are in our own catastrophe, but let me assure you… the government is not going to fix it.  The whole problem is that the government itself is broken.  It’s corrupt.  It’s filled with self-serving left-wing liberals who don’t even know the great history of our country, let alone to care enough about preserving it. 

Like the aftermath of Sandy, we need to stand together and work together to repair our country.  We cannot rely on this President or this Congress to do the job; they are not capable of doing what must be done.  We must bite the bullet and rid ourselves of this scourge upon our nation.  It will be just as hard and difficult as removing a boat from the street outside or replacing the drywall in the house, but we can do it.   

We can start by turning this President and this Congress… Democrats and Republicans alike… out of office.   We can ring the liberty bell loud and clear and send the message that we are Americans and we have the love and respect for our country that will overcome the greed and corruption permeating our government.  We simply can’t sit on our collective duffs and wait for the government to fix itself… it will never happen.  Besides… it’s our government, not theirs.   

Our country is calling upon us like it has not called upon us since the Civil War.  Now is the time to answer that call. 

I’ll see you at the polls. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.    

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