Thursday, November 15, 2012



A whole bunch of grime has oozed out today. 

Paula Broadwell, the author and mistress who had an affair with former CIA Director David Petraeus, has been storing significant amounts of military documents, much of which was classified material, at her home and on her computer.   Prosecutors are now determining whether to charge Broadwell with a crime;as it turns out, she has a top-top secret security clearance, so the Obamagoons are certainly going to assert that she had the right to have the material, at home and on her personal computer. 

Former C.I.A. Director and 4-Star General David Petraeus has come out and said that he will testify tomorrow in the Congressional investigation of what happened at Benghazi and the result coverup.  His now agreed-to-testimony raises Administration hackles because Acting CIA Director Mike Morell has been scheduled to appear in his original place today at the closed-door hearing; there has been no time to orchestrate testimony that is in agreement. The unofficial word floating around Washington is that Obama has a very bad case of hemorrhoids.  

Obama, as I anticipated, dismissed any questions about the Benghazi massacre on the basis that there is an "ongoing investigation." There was no repeat of his vow to go after the perpetrators and there has been no military action thus far, as we all know.  But, he did challenge the Republicans to go after him on Susan Rice's story that the Benghazi massacre was the result of the infamous video and resulting "protest."  He said she had no role in the matter.  So why did he send her on a mission to tell a lie?  

And guess what?  Obama asserted in his news conference that the ominous "Fiscal Cliff" is George Bush's fault.  While everyone universally agrees that Bush didn't know poop from Shinola about national economics, no one in his right mind is suggesting that Obama, as our President, should have rightfully been incompetent enough not to rectify the problems within four years.  Furthermore, Obama has purchased blame for the fiscal cliff through his own actions and absolute failure to listen to his own Simpson-Bowles Committee. 

Although Obama has been quick to chastise various intelligence programs, he is now insistent that there is plenty of time to deal with Iran's nuclear program, based on intelligence information.  There was no discussion about the fact that he has relegated the Iranian nuclear matter to Valerie Jarret, White House Bimbo-in-Chief.

Why?  Why all of the coverups, lies and deceptions?  Why, why, why? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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