Saturday, April 29, 2017


We can all remember the days when something was made in America, it was of high quality and good value for the money.  Our educational systems were among the best in the world and our overall achievements were admired by the whole globe as being standards of excellence.  When Congress put together a Bill, it was well thought out and written; when our judicial system reached a conclusion... it was likewise well thought out and written. 

Now, it seems that nobody cares.  It doesn't matter whether or not your company makes the best product or provides the best service; all we care about is the bottom line and whether or not the cost of producing our goods or services is within the statistical average of what everybody else is doing.  Bills are not passed until deadlines loom, legislation is poorly written and ill-considered, our educational systems are way less than stellar and our judicial system sucks. 

It's kind of like going to the state fair: you no longer care whether or not you get a blue ribbon... all you really want is a ribbon for participation.  

So it is that we're prepared accept a half-baked ObamaCare "update" called the American Health Care Act and commonly referred to as "RyanCare."  It's better than nothing, we rationalize.  It's okay; it'll do.  No blue ribbon, of course, but we will get a participation award.  

Somehow, it's a little less-than-stellar to me; it lacks a lot of luster... this new lack of excellence. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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