Friday, April 07, 2017



The illustrious, spiteful, mean-spirited Democrats, evidently deciding that their camp was already seriously smoldering, decided to go down in a huge bonfire of defeat this week when they ordered all Democrat members of the Senate to filibuster Neil Gorsuch... or else.  Even recognizing that they would very likely lose many more seats in Congress during the next election, they determined to martyr themselves by falling on their own swords of stupidity.  

Even as Congressional employees were preparing to wheel in the baby bassinets to accommodate the inevitable crying and whining, the Dems were jumping up and down and shouting like Chicken Little that the world was about to come to an end.  And Chuck Schumer was playing his role to the hilt, leading the Dems in the Senate... like sheep to the slaughter; you could hear the sounds of bleating all of the way to the far western shores of Hawaii.  

And although the Republicans offered opportunity after opportunity for the cesspool of Democrat idiots to alter their course and redeem themselves by coming to the table and acting like adult representatives of their constituents, the filibuster went ahead as predicted yesterday.  Now, this self-inflicted wound to the future of the Democrat Party was not about the qualifications of the nominee, Gorsuch; indeed, the vast majority of Democrats have admitted that Gorsuch is eminently well-qualified.  Instead, it is all about getting even, showing the Republicans how angry they are that we, the people, had the audacity to elect Trump instead of crooked Hillary... showing the Senate Republicans that they are demons for having the temerity to stop the Garland nomination.  

After all, the Democrats would have us all  know, it is they who are still in charge of the country; not the Republicans and certainly not we, the people. 

So, the nuclear bomb was rolled out of its cellar and into the Senate chamber.  Republican technicians wired the bomb up and connected it to the detonator.  Today, they will certainly turn the switch.  

It will be interesting to see who is still left standing after the dust settles and the bleating stops. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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