Wednesday, April 19, 2017



Thank you presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama for allowing North Korea to bring us to this point in time.  All three of them bear some responsibility for not coming to grips with the growing nuclear threat on the Korean peninsula and as a result, not only does North Korea now have nukes, they also have missiles and they are perilously close to marrying the two.  Of course, we all realize that over the years of growth of their unchecked, unchallenged nuclear growth, they have become vastly more belligerent and bellicose.  

One has to presume, and it is probably correct to say, that the reluctance of these presidents to step up to the plate and put a stop to all of it is directly attributable to fear of the Chinese.  Is that to say that China is superior to the United States?  Is that what we're putting on the table here?  Or, is it because the issue seemed to be too thorny, too complex and too confrontational to deal with?  

I've heard it said that we just can't contemplate taking any military action against North Korea, let alone consider deployment of a tactical nuke or two.  Perhaps, it is suggested with a wring of the hands, we'll just have to trust the Chinese to handle it, or maybe we can "talk" to North Korea.  I know that most of us wouldn't be too upset if a North Korean nuke struck the liberal hotbeds of San Francisco or Los Angeles, but how about Portland or San Diego?  

Trump is the first President to come forward and look the problem straight in the eye without flinching.  While I'm certain he does not want to get us into a war, we will surely be in one if North Korea decides to fire off some missiles at South Korea, to invade that country, or to torpedo a U.S. ship.   And frankly, things have become so ominous with the sawed-off little runt in North Korea that we can't rule those possibilities out.  

One thing is for sure... we're in a tough situation, but we need to get used to the idea that if there is going to be a war... better there than here. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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