Monday, April 03, 2017



President Trump has made his first very serious, and possibly fatal, mistake.  

Faced with a stinging loss over the new health care plan, Trump lashed out at the House Freedom Caucus last week, essentially declaring war on them.  Many Americans, including me, were very relieved when the new bill failed; simply put, it stunk.  Had the bill passed and the Senate gone along with it, the nation would have been saddled with an extenuation of a bad law, albeit with a few new curtains and windows.  The country would have come unglued and Trump's ship would have been totally torpedoed.  

Yet, he does not thank them; instead, he chastises them and threatens consequences.  

One can only therefore presume that Trump was sold on the rotten bill and determined to shove it down our throats.  How can that be if he promised to listen to the will of the American people? 

Suddenly, the door of mistrust in our president has been thrown wide open.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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