Saturday, April 01, 2017


Late yesterday evening, long after news outlets had gone home for the weekend, former president Barack Obama issued a statement through his communications staff  in which he acknowledged authorizing the gathering of covert intelligence on the Trump presidential campaign and staff.  Obama stated that the purpose of the surveillance was to ascertain whether or not Melania Trump was an undercover operative for the Russian government.  

"Information was presented to me by our own intelligence sources which indicated that Mrs. Trump had taken training in Russian intelligence procedures shortly after dropping out of the University of Ljubljana in Yugoslavia.  She speaks fluent English, French, Italian, German, Serbo-Croatian, and her native Slovene and was therefore an ideal candidate for service in the KGB.  

"I felt that it was essential for our intel people to determine whether or not the future First Lady was in fact a spy," Obama said.  "In no way were we looking at Mr. Trump himself; he obviously was subjected to and passed a rigorous background investigation as soon as he won the Republican nomination. I therefore personally and most sincerely apologize to him for any inference that our intelligence surveillance was directed at him personally." 

April Fools. 

That's MY AMERICAN FUN DAY, jestingly submitted.  

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