Monday, January 19, 2015



We all know that feeling... if you open your mouth and say what you really think, what you really believe, the left-wing radically liberal Democrats are going to scream, yell at and vilify you.  When they are done with you, you will be tossed into the alley to die a lonely death.  

In today's society, there is a widespread assumption that if you don't speak up, then you must agree to what is being said or proposed.  Put the two together and you have minority rule by default.  

By now, you must know that I do say what I think, feel and believe and I am sometimes vulgar or blunt in making my point.  That tactic certainly raises the level of ire on the part of my detractors; in fact, I can open my mouth in any room and the left-wingers will immediately identify themselves by jumping up and down and screaming like hell.  

Nevertheless, we all know that if we are not explicit in what we say, things seem to get lost in the translation.  Communication is so important in any relationship: marriage, employment, politics, government, bartering... if you don't communicate things correctly, people assign meanings to what you said that are quite different from what you intended. As an example, when you refuse to label these terrorists as radical Islamists and you use the terminology of "extreme elements of society" or "nihilists," you are somehow taking away from the fact that they are inhumane butchers and one becomes inclined to think that the terrorists might even have flowers protruding from the muzzles of their guns. 

It is on this basis that I say we have engineered ourselves into minority-rule in this country, because we have been afraid to stand up and say clearly what we think.  The vociferous minority therefore assumes that we are going along with them when, in fact, we are not. 

And so it is that I argue: The time is way past when we Americans should have started being more vocal and steadfast in verbalizing how we do feel about our president, our government, our society and our religions.  Hence, minority not only rules, but they have come to feel entitled to do so. 

Frankly, I don't give a damn if they do yell, scream and vilify; I am going to continue to speak up and make myself heard.  And, so should you.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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