Saturday, August 09, 2014


I was willing to bet my last Indian-head nickel that Obama was going to be on the golf course while those poor folks on the mountain in Iraq starved to death.  I was also willing to bet that he'd finish his summer vacation while I.S.I.S. stormed Baghdad.  I mean, that's normal character for Obama, isn't it?  

You can imagine my shock the other night when he announced he was sending food and water to that mountain and that he had launched a couple of targeted strikes at I.S.I.S.  As I squat and write this post, I'm even more amazed to hear follow-up drone strikes are already in the works.  I surely don't have the slightest idea as to what has suddenly possessed Obama; maybe his last batch of Ex-Lax finally took hold.  

Obama has traditionally not acted on anything until the politics of the situation grew so ugly that he didn't have a choice.  Sadly, that is the case here.  Far too many innocent lives have been lost and far too much territory has been seized before Obama finally was forced into doing something.  Had he acted a couple of months ago, when I.S.I.S. was still camped in the Iraqi desert and in training mode, he may have prevented this bloody slaughter.  Now, it will take much more than a few organized drone strikes to quell the I.S.I.S. threat to the world.  In fact, these "targeted air strikes" are likely to increase the enlistment of I.S.I.S. sympathizers to their cause and to result in further and immediate bloodshed throughout Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. 

Those terrorists are not going to be intimidated b y a few air strikes.   
I fear we are two days late and four dollars short in response to the threat that not that long ago was merely festering in that corner of the world. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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