Wednesday, August 13, 2014



Comedian-actor Robin Williams passed away on Monday, August 11th.  The world spread like wildfire; within minutes, perhaps seconds, every television network in America was broadcasting the news and within the hour they were all carrying stories reminiscing about the good old days of his comedic routines.  I even think they preempted an Obama speech; they're likely to go to hell in a hand-basket over that).  Shame on them.    

Immediately, the world was saved.  The Ukranian problem disappeared, as did I.S.I.S., Israel-Hamas, North Korea, Iran's nuclear program, the economy, the border, the I.R.S. emails... everything just went "POOF!" and evaporated into thin air.  The only things on the airwaves for at least 24 hours were Robin Williams, cuts from some of his gigs, talking heads of psychoanalysis and speculations about whether or not drugs and depression combined to do him in.  

Over here on Mount Burney, it rained like a twofer, (that's like two cows peeing on a flat rock).  The welcome moisture dampened the remnants of three nearby forest fires that had threatened to burn everyone out just a few days before.  So, between Williams and the twofer, everything else in the world ceased to exist... and America was saved, at least for the day.  

Thanks, Robin.  You were truly a good guy, even in death.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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