Tuesday, May 14, 2013



At a joint press conference held yesterday with visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron, President Obama was questioned about both Benghazi and about the I.R.S. targeting of conservative organizations and citizens as well as pro-Jewish organizations for tax audits.  He was visibly upset and irritated.  

To his credit, Obama appeared "outraged" at the I.R.S. story and firm on nailing those responsible.  But, in listening to his words, they were almost the exact same words he used on the Benghazi Massacre and here we are, nine months down the road with no results.  Why should his words not fall on deaf ears?  He also again laid the blame at someone else's feet, saying he had no knowledge of the issue until he read about it in a newspaper; IRS works for Tim Geithner in the Treasury Department, so he should be fired for his negligence in not telling Obama about one big scandal brewing.  What a whopperObama and his lackeys are claiming the I.R.S. targeting was an isolated occurrence out of only the Cincinnati office, but citizens an organizations received letters from offices throughout the United States.  Obama's spinning rhetoric and constant lying is damnable and contemptible.   

In dealing with the question on Benghazi, Obama seemed to "put on the muscle," hiding again behind the countless lies he has told since day one and been caught on.  For example, he said that he had been attending his briefings and was getting the exact same information we were; however, we all know now that he was not even attending his national security briefings and had not been for some time.  Why doesn't someone demand a copy of his other morning briefings?  He pointed the finger of blame at Congress for not letting the matter go and insisted that his objective right now was to ensure the safety of those in our embassies everywhere which is why, I suppose, he's leaving diplomats in Beirut and Tripoli when everyone else is pulling out in the middle of increasing warnings and car bombs.   

He made no explanation as to why the talking points were changed at all.  He made no explanation as to why his administration continues to refuse to release the names of those now living who were actually on the ground during the attack, or why he is refusing to allow those vital witnesses to testify. Through his belligerence, it males it patently clear that he has something really big to hide and that it will be a cold day in hell before he allows anyone in his administration to cooperate fully with responsible investigations into the facts. 

Our President is nothing more than a two-bit tyrant and would-be dictator, twisting slowly in the wind. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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