Tuesday, May 21, 2013



Surely we all know that D.H.S. and Janet Napolitano in particular have been less-than-stellar when it comes to doing their jobs.  Just this year, the Super Storm Sandy issue is still far from resolved.  In Boston, agencies that should have been on the same page about the bombers under D.H.S. rules, were not.  Now comes a series of tornadoes striking the Midwest and wreaking total devastation and loss of lives.  My heart goes out to the people affected.  

I've yet to hear that D.H.S. has even  activated a F.E.M.A. response.  Maybe the help that should be coming is still in the barn due to "Sequestration?"  Can Janet orchestrate anything other than another failure?  Third strike in baseball and you're out.  I guess that if those affected people didn't vote for Obama in the last election, they're screwed. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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