Wednesday, December 12, 2012



It's a plain and simple fact that any religion, short of radical Islam, requires believers to conform to certain basic rules of a good society.  Believers don't lie, cheat, steal, screw each others wives, spin... and they accept responsibility for their actions.  

Wouldn't this be a great country to live in if everybody practiced these rules?  Can you imagine our government following any of these rules?  Can you possibly imagine Barack Obama following these rules?  

Our Constitution provides for separation of church and state.  That means that the government will not force you to join the Catholic Church or the Church of England.   But, every fundamental tenant of our Constitution is based upon sound religious principles, whether those principles be Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hinduism... You name it; all religions provide for a just and honorable society.   

Those who point their fingers at our government and try to chip away at the religious principles upon which the country was founded are, frankly speaking, representatives of the devil who subscribe to the philosophy of anarchy.  They need to be marginalized and we need to get grounded again in our historically correct and fundamental religious principles.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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