Saturday, December 22, 2012


Those who advocate for gun control in any of its myriad forms simply don't have any common sense.  They are out of their collective trees.  They belong in an asylum themselves.  

Narcotic, hallucinogenic drugs in this country are illegal.  Yet, you and I both know that we can stand on any corner in America and score illegal drugs.  It's an irony, of course, that many gun crimes are committed by illegal drug users.  This goes to the next step: there are already many guns that are illegal in various states of the country and I'll guarantee you that if I want one, I can get my hands on one in very short order.  It is very naive of you to think, if we ban assault rifles, they are going to go "poof" and disappear from the country.  In fact, even Obama is suggesting that current owners of those guns should be allowed to keep them.  So, this tactic is purely cosmetic; it's simply a "feel good" effort. 

Let's discuss the size of magazines.  The theory is that when the bullets run out, the criminal is done shooting.  When you train for self-defense, one of the things you learn to be prepared for is several opponents; you don't want to be limited to ten rounds.  Just in case,  I carry four ten-round magazines for each sidearm, one in the weapon and three on my belt.  I have practiced dropping empty magazines out of my pistols and putting in full magazines until I was blue in the face.  I'm pretty fast at it, so this tactic is also a cosmetic farce.  

Well, just what do we do then?  Punt?  

I don't advocate turning one's back on this problem, either.  I've said it several times in this blog and others; the problem is a systemic societal problem.  We didn't see this type of shooting back in the 50's or 60's.  We need to examine the changes in society and family units that have occurred since then and we have to correct changes that have brought about this atmosphere for rampage-style shooting sprees.  But, that will take time to study, time to create changes, time to take effect.   

What do we do in the interim?  

The NRA has the right idea: put armed guards in the schools.  In fact, instead of limiting gun ownership, we should be encouraging more responsible citizens to buy and carry sidearms after appropriate training.  Declining private gun ownership in communities actually causes violent crime to go up; the reverse is also true.  

We also need to quit glorifying these events.  Newtown happened a week ago and is still front page news everywhere.  Frankly, I look at the Benghazi Massacre and I wonder where the outrage is over that.  We need to enforce the gun laws that we have.  We need to increase the penalties for the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime.  We need to cut back on the depiction of gun violence on TV and in video games.  We need to pay better attention to our surroundings and the people in them.  And we need to educate people on what damage a bullet actually does when it hits flesh. 

What I am saying here is that the "knee jerk" reactions we are talking about in the aftermath of Newtown need to be reconsidered in the face of the reality of the fact that the availability of guns is not the issue.  The issue is how the shooter got into the frame of mind to do what he is doing.  Let's quit pussy footing around the issue and get down to brass tacks. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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