Tuesday, December 04, 2012



Syria has been in the midst of a civil war now for a couple of years.  The evil dictator Bashar al-Assad is just that: mean and cruel.  Now, we have an uprising and the rebels have been pleading for our help.  To this point, we have not officially given any help and that is as it should be; under International Law, no nation has any right to interfere in the internal affairs of another nation... period.  

That having been said, if we go back 70 years or so to the rise of Hitler we must remember that all kinds of atrocities were being committed by the Nazi regime, and we were getting pleas from many sources asking us to to find a way to help.  We ignored those pleas and... how many Jews died?  Assad is just as cruel and brutal in attacking his own people regardless of religious affiliation. 

The word is out that Assad is retrieving stockpiled chemical weapons in preparation for use against the rebels.  Just a few years ago, the United States could stand up and tell Assad to not even think about going there and he'd be wise to listen or we'd kick the poop out of him.  Today, however, we are in a whole new world.  Radical Islam has gained a tremendous foothold in the Middle East; the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda are growing in size and power exponentially.  China is backing some of them, Russia is backing the others, and the U.S. is seen by all of them as being impotent. 

Since the days when Hitler was around, we have established the United Nations through which many international matters pass.  Some nations, including ours, have abrogated their own political powers to some extent to the U.N.  International Law has been therefore modified to say that no nation has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of another nation unless the U.N. sanctions it. In other words, if the U.N. by resolution asks the U.S. and other nations to go and do something about Assad's butchery, then we have the international legal right to do so; otherwise, we don't.  

President Obama comes out and says that the U.S. will take action if Assad uses those chemical weapons.  The first question is: does he have any legal right whatsoever to take any action against Assad without a U.N. resolution to back him up?  What are the odds that Russia or China would block a resolution to intervene?  Does Obama have the balls to back up his statement by committing our military forces when the entire region, with the exception of Israel, is essentially controlled by radical Islam and when he's facing opposition and possible military resistance from both China and Russia? 

This is the kind of predicament you get yourself into when you are not dealing from a position of strength.  Aren't you glad you voted for Obama's reelection, or that you didn't vote against him?  

Remember, Al Qaeda butchered our Ambassador and three others in our Consulate at Benghazi and Obama hasn't done spit about it.  Just how is he going to deal with this situation except to squeal like a wounded pig and bury his head in the sand?  Time for a post-campaign trip to Nevada? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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