Friday, December 07, 2012



Contrary to what many high school graduates today might think, given their liberal-left education in history, Pearl Harbor was not some movie actress in the 1940's.  On December 7, 1941, Japanese fighters and bombers let loose over Pearl Harbor, our Pacific Naval Command Center in Hawaii.  As President Roosevelt said at the time, it was a day that will live in infamy.  

For that matter, so was September 11, 2001.  That was the day, some of you may recall, when Al Qaeda took down the World Trade Center, struck the Pentagon, and sent a jet passenger plane into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania; the three events killed 3,000 Americans.  

Terrorists take great pleasure in striking on national holidays.  They tried on Christmas in Detroit a couple of years ago, for example.  For that reason, it is traditional that potential targets of terrorism are guarded more closely around such dates.  So, why wasn't Benghazi guarded more heavily on September 11, 2012?  Why was a U.S. Consulate in a building that didn't meet security standards?  Why didn't we react boldly, firmly, and with vengeance at the time of the attack?  

Yes, Hillary says she will take the fall for it.  I frankly care little about the "whos" involved at this point.  I want to know the answers to "Why?"  Will somebody, in memory of Pearl Harbor, please find out the answer to that question...why? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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