Thursday, December 20, 2012



The liberal-left in this country, which includes the media, the press, left-wing Democrats, school teachers, university professors and a good chunk of the country on food stamps and welfare assistance... they are all screaming like hell to ban all guns in the country.  Being a proud Life Member of the NRA, I totally disagree with them.  But, being an American who has the best interests of his country at heart, I'm willing to compromise. 

Here's the offer: American gun owners will agree to repeal the 2nd Amendment totally and in its entirety, in return for which we will require:  

  1. All left-wing liberals must leave the country
  2. All high school students must take American History and Civics in order to graduate
  3. History books shall be rewritten to convey actual American history
  4. Any illegal alien caught in the country must serve five years in prison without early release and must take and pass American History, Civics and citizenship before being released
  5. Murder will be made punishable by hanging in every state of the Union
  6. Any person voting must possess valid picture identification issued at no expense by the Federal Government
  7. A balanced budget amendment must be passed and adhered to
  8. Any crime of violence must be considered a Federal felony
  9. Any foreigner desiring to become a citizen of the United States must pass the citizenship requirements and be voted on and admitted by the majority of the people in the state in which he/she resides
  10. All attempts to remove religion from this country must cease
  11. All police and federal employees must also be disarmed; absolutely no guns will be permitted in the country for any reason whatsoever
  12. Possession of a gun shall be punishable by ten years in a Federal prison
  13. Drug laws will be enforced
  14. Lobbying of government officials shall be outlawed
  15. All candidates for any public office must prove citizenship
  16. The issue of gay marriage shall be a state's rights issue
  17. Opinion in the media or press must be confined to the editorial pages; all news must be reported as it actually occurs
  18. Any holder of a federally elected office may be removed at any time upon 2/3 vote of the registered voters
  19. Any eligible citizen who refuses to register to vote will be denied any government assistance; he/she may elect not to vote, but they must be registered
  20. ObamaCare will be repealed
Each and every one of these requirements must be met and on that basis, I would support repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  Any takers? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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