Tuesday, October 30, 2012



General Motors, the company that Obama bailed out with our money, is now moving many of its U.S. operations and thousands of jobs to China, according to Glenn Beck Radio on The Blaze Television Network and other major outlets.  GM has already built the world's largest automobile proving ground in China and opened 15 plants there, many of which will be making parts for U.S. cars.  

Dan Akerson, appointed by Obama to be GM's new CEO during the auto bailout, has made it clear that major portions of GM's manufacturing process are moving to China and leaving US jobs behind.  "Our commitment to working in China, with China, for China remains strong." he said, then bragging that "Seven out of ten of our vehicles were made outside the United States."  

The company currently owes the U.S. over $26 billion in bailout money, and concedes that it could not be moving so much of its manufacturing to China without that money.  GM has also been quick to say that its headquarters will stay in Detroit.  Well, my guess is that after Obama raises taxes on businesses and corporations next year, even the GM headquarters will be moved out of the country.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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