Monday, October 01, 2012



It was only a matter of when.  Finally, after over two weeks of sputtering cover-up, the Obama Administration got its spin and blame machine up and running yesterday as White House minions took to the talk-show circuit and laid the blame for the Libyan attack and killings squarely at the feet of Congress.  It was Congress' fault for not enacting a budget and for not funding proper security for the Libyan Consulate. 

I presume then, that it was Congress who ordered the Banghazi Consulate opened without a proper building or security personnel.  Congress must have ordered Ambassador Stevens to the Consulate and ignored his concerns about safety.  Congress must have sent Al-Qaeda to attack the Consulate and kill the ambassador.  Congress then ordered the cover-up and lies to the American people.  Obama had no part in this at all; he's just a poor, innocent pawn. 

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of Obama's total refusal to accept the responsibility for the things he has done to this country.  We need a change, alright, but not the type of change that will keep this skunk in the White House. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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