Monday, August 31, 2015



Obama and Holder made it obvious to this country that they have disdain and contempt for cops... all cops.  The actions in Baltimore where cops were told not to respond effectively to rioters in the streets and where cops have been charged with crimes for doing their jobs is an outrage to every American who believes in law and order.  The anti-cop activities of "Black Lives Matter" and other groups is fueling the atmosphere of anarchy that is growing on the streets of America everywhere, particularly in New York, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and soon in a major city close to you.  

Yet, not one leader... not one... in Congress, the administration or the White House... has come forward to denounce this anti-cop sentiment or to crack down on those who allow it to grow and fester.  

Have we Americans lost our sanity?  

These are the men and women who put their lives on the line for us every single day in this country.  They're the ones who chase down the crooks, jail the thugs, enforce our laws and deliver our babies.  They're the guys on the side of a road helping an elderly gentleman or lady change a flat tire.  They're the ones who give their personal time to Little Leagues everywhere and they do all of these things at all hours of the night and day and whether it's cold, wet, hot or buried in snow.  

And when the chips are down, when they are under attack from the seedy elements... we Americans reward them for their protection, love and care by turning our backs on them and letting them fend for themselves?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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