Monday, August 24, 2015



Of course, we know that Target has banned the Salvation Army from soliciting donations at Christmastime outside its doors for many years now.  The Salvation Army is one of few charities that actually gets the lion's share of donations down to the needy; one would wonder why Target sells Christmas merchandise inside.  

Now, Target has decided to get rid of girls and boys sections within their stores.  They are going to completely remove all signage that distinguishes between boys and girls and they are going for gender neutrality.  Their argument is that separating the two enforces harmful gender norms and increases bigotry against transgenders and gender-neutral individuals.  God forbid that a child should be forced into losing his or her identity as a boy or girl.  Their next move will undoubtedly be to remove men's and women's restrooms. 

And who in this country designated Target to be the chief social engineer of our society?  These would be the same imbecilic thinkers who defend Planned Parenthood on the basis that we have the duty and right to dissect babies and sell parts in order to advance science.  

They are sick.  They are twisted.  They have no right to dictate to me what my perception of what a socially acceptable and responsible society is.  They are the true anti-religious and anti-social bigots of the world.  

They and their ugly friends will never see me spend one dime of my money in their stores.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

They create the theory, they find “problems” that can be solved by following the theory, and then they solve them. And if Target’s move is any indication, corporate America is scared to death of challenging these imbeciles. - See more at:
They create the theory, they find “problems” that can be solved by following the theory, and then they solve them. And if Target’s move is any indication, corporate America is scared to death of challenging these imbeciles. - See more at:

The argument is that separating sections into these delineations enforces harmful gender norms and increases bigotry against transgenders and gender-neutral individuals. That seems like a tough pill to swallow, but you can’t expect to apply reason and logic to anything liberals do. They create the theory, they find “problems” that can be solved by following the theory, and then they solve them. And if Target’s move is any indication, corporate America is scared to death of challenging these imbeciles. - See more at:
The argument is that separating sections into these delineations enforces harmful gender norms and increases bigotry against transgenders and gender-neutral individuals. That seems like a tough pill to swallow, but you can’t expect to apply reason and logic to anything liberals do. They create the theory, they find “problems” that can be solved by following the theory, and then they solve them. And if Target’s move is any indication, corporate America is scared to death of challenging these imbeciles. - See more at:
The argument is that separating sections into these delineations enforces harmful gender norms and increases bigotry against transgenders and gender-neutral individuals. That seems like a tough pill to swallow, but you can’t expect to apply reason and logic to anything liberals do. They create the theory, they find “problems” that can be solved by following the theory, and then they solve them. And if Target’s move is any indication, corporate America is scared to death of challenging these imbeciles. - See more at:

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