Tuesday, September 01, 2015



It's obvious to all of us; our government officers suck.  

Now, what do we do about it?  How do we make the decisions this political season to get us the hell out of this mess as fast as possible?  

First of all, w have to recognize that the current administration has been going about its "change" for six and-a-half years already and will have been at it for eight years when Obama leaves office.  Secondly, we are all aware that our Congress is widely rated as being the worst Congress the country has ever had going back beyond those eight years.  

You don't undo all of this over night, and NO president is going to be able to do it without the Congress behind him or her and without the American people behind Congress.  So, when we're talking about changing out the president, we also really need to be looking at changing out the Congress as well.  

In the White House, we need someone who can stop this Ship of State in its tracks and turn it around.  That will in and of itself be a monumental task.  Most importantly, our president and Congress need to work hand-in-hand to rebuild the trust of the American people and our allies abroad.  We need to rebuild the military, just as we need to rebuild our relationships with nations around the world.  We need to get rid of most of the thousands of ridiculous and burdensome regulations that have been heaped upon us and our businesses in order to free up our national economic engine.  And we're going to have to deal with immigration, the borders, and the ugly specter of  increasing racism.  

We have become a country divided in so many ways that we've literally become a nation of mincemeat.  

It's going to take strong, hands-on leadership by people who are willing to sacrifice personal agendas and to place America first every hour of every day of every week.  

Who among all of these presidential candidates do you think has the background, the guts... the determination and the patriotism to get the job done?  And who of your Congressional candidates to you feel has those same qualities as well as the ability to work with a strong leader in the White House?  

Those are the questions we need to asking.  The time has come for us to quit listening to fancy speeches and promises that we know are going to be broken.  I think we've had enough of that.  Let's start taking a very close look at the real substance of our candidates and let us vow forever never to allow our country to be in this condition again.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  


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