Wednesday, August 12, 2015



First, Hillary said she had turned over all of her emails to the State Department when she left.  Then it was discovered she had a personal and very private server.  Then she said she had personally gone through all of her emails and deleted anything that wasn't personal.  Then she admitted to still having some government emails on her server, but insisted they were not classified.  Then she said that if there were, by chance, classified emails on her server... she didn't know it.  Then, one of her assistants, who might have sent to and received emails from Hillary announced that she had erased all emails on her account.  Then they found classified emails on Hillary's server.  And now they know that at least two of those emails were classified as "Top Secret" and that Hillary had to know it.  

State Department officials have warned that there were “potentially hundreds of classified emails” on Clinton’s private server.  

Could it be that her emails, obviously on her own server to prevent prying eyes from finding out what she was up to, will lead to her ultimate demise?  Oh, what webs we weave when we practice to deceive.....

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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