Saturday, September 06, 2014


We are just days away from the 13th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.  If that fact alone does not raise your superstitious concerns, consider that I.S.I.S., Al Qaeda, the Taliban... virtually every radical Muslim terrorist group on the planet... has announced publicly that it wants to annihilate America.  Yet, there is no call for increasing the security levels of law enforcement, military operations or government agencies. 

We have I.S.I.S. which has several times openly declared war on the U.S.; yet, we have a President who says we are not at war with I.S.I.S.  

We have intelligence sources telling us that I.S.I.S. operatives have established relationships with Mexican drug cartels and have actually been spotted in some Mexican border towns.  Yet, our border is wide open because we have a President who has consistently and adamantly refused to seal off the border and thereby ensure our security.  

We have a President who says he was unaware of the I.S.I.S. growth and threat until recently, versus reliable sources who insist that the subject matter has been explicitly included in White House intelligence briefings, (which Obama never attends), and written intelligence briefs prepared for the President for over a year. 

We have a terrorist organization which openly beheads American journalists and broadcasts its brutal acts to the world and we have a President who admits he has no strategy to deal with the problem, but suggests that we can "shrink" them and "manage" them.  And news came yesterday that several large planes have come up missing in Libya; take that and the missing Malaysian passenger plane and ask yourself if another attack against the U.S. could be in the works... Maybe across that Mexican border that we refuse to defend.  

The President has a Constitutional duty to protect and defend the United States.  He's not doing it.  

I don't know about you, but I don't like the odds.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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