Thursday, June 15, 2017



Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, ever the consummate anti-gunner,took to the microphone yesterday long before any of the details about the Virginia shooting had started to come out, and said: “I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” adding, “This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street.”  He then asserted with absolute authority: “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence."  

Holy manure, Batman!  We lose the entire population of the country every 3-1/2 days!!!  Questioned about it, he nodded his head in solid affirmation, then he realized he should restate that to simply 93 individuals a day.  Even so, he failed to mention that most of those live in Chicago.  

He was so carried away with the ability to push gun control... literally foaming at the mouth... that he let his mouth overload his wheelbarrow.  

Nor did he understand that had there not been armed law enforcement at the baseball practice, able to respond within 2-3 minutes and take down the shooter, the carnage would have been much, much worse.  And the only reason there were armed personnel there at the time was that one of the participants was a senior lawmaker protected by Capitol cops 24/7.  

Those dimwitted liberals never miss an opportunity to turn tragedy to their benefit while making total fools of themselves in the process, do they?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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