Friday, December 21, 2018


The President's decision to pull our troops out of Syria is causing a lot of consternation.  Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't.  

Much can be said about what happened in Iraq when Obama pulled out of there; ISIS immediately flourished and we had a major catastrophe on our hands.  Pulling out of Syria likely will have the same results because, regardless of what President Trump says, ISIS is not dead or defeated.  And, our Middle Eastern allies were justifiably ticked off at us for leaving them in the lurch.  

On the other hand, war and carnage has been brewing in that part of the Middle East since the beginning of times.   It's a culture; they thrive on conflict.  There is only one way we can stop it... nuke the whole damned territory.  Since that option is not palatable or moral, we're better off not being involved.  

Finally, none of us knows what the President is privy to; we can only second guess what the real situation is.  If the Dems and the RINOs are so dead-set against our getting out, it seems to me that the answer is: we'll stay in Syria if we get full funding for our border wall. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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