Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their left-wing liberal cohort friends have made it abundantly clear: we're the assholes.  We're the ones who had the stupidity, the temerity and the audacity to elect Trump.  Who the hell do we think we are, anyway?

They're going to get even.  They're going to take our guns and Bibles and burn them, close down our churches and spit on our graves.  They're going to erase the history of our country and change it to suit their agendas.  If we don't like it, we can eat crap and die. 

As for President Trump, they're going to make him impotent.  They're going to file lawsuits against him, investigate him, separate him from his supporters and isolate him from his staff, impeach him... whatever it takes to immobilize his ongoing agenda.  Whether we Americans who voted for him support his agenda or not... they will neutralize us.  

And they know they can get away with it because all we are going to do about it is to sit on our collective asses, post blogs and send emails complaining about them.  We don't have the guts, the courage or the wherewithal to stop them.  

That pretty much sums it all up.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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