Monday, December 17, 2018


They've been making a lot of noise about how they are going to "get to the bottom of things" and "hold those responsible accountable."  Now, in the waning, twilight hours of this Congressional session, they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off... trying to convince us that they really mean what they are saying.  "Oh, we're going to haul James Comey in here and we're really going to give him the what for," they insist with glowering, stern eyes.  

Well, the plain fact is that all Comey has to do is flip them the finger and they fold like a deck of wet cards.  Then, they whine like the spoiled little babies they are and complain because Comey has "selective memory" and didn't answer 2,396 questions.  "Well, we'll get his ass next time," they posture.  Yes, siree. 

For two years now, we've heard their lame excuses and empty threats of righteousness.  Get to the bottom of Fast and Furious; bullshit.  Investigate the facts on Benghazi; bullshit.  Find out about abuse of Americans by the IRS; bullshit.  Bring justice to the Clintons, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Comey; bullshit.  Build that wall; bullshit.  Get rid of ObamaCare; bullshit. Their only claim to fame is a tax cut... engineered by President Trump and passed with his arm-twisting by one vote, (Mike Pence's); bullshit.  

Whatever the Democrats want, they get.  Whatever the left does to America, the Republicans allow.  Bullshit.  

They should be ashamed of themselves.  They should be contrite and asking for forgiveness.  But, the only thing we're going to hear from them for the next two years is about what a mean witch Nancy Pelosi is.  

The Republican Party sucks... big time.  And no... I'm not contributing a damned dime to those worthless, bullshit scumbags.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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