Friday, December 14, 2018


The DOJ Inspector General has come out and said that a mysterious technological problem destroyed a huge chunk of text messages between FBI agents Strozk and Page and that their agency-provided cell phones had been "wiped clean." 

We all knew of this chicanery months, if not years, ago and the IG is just getting around to "revealing" it?  

The whole damned investigation is a corrupt sham.  The House and Senate Republicans have "investigated" for two years at taxpayer expense and have come up with absolutely nothing.  The FBI and DOJ have stonewalled Congress at every turn and nobody has done a damned thing about it. 

The fix has been in... way in.  It's beyond disgusting.  There isn't an insecticide strong enough to even phases those cockroaches. 

Our government is no better than Russia's.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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