Wednesday, December 05, 2018


It appears that National Republican Congressional Committee computers have been hacked during the 2018 election season.  It is not publicly known at the time of this posting how extensive the hack was, but we do know that emails of top NRCC officials were surveilled and compromised over several months.  The FBI is now evidently investigating; since the FBI still appears to be under the control of Obama and Clinton, I'm not sure what an FBI investgation means in this instance, if anything.  

What we do know is that Pakistani operatives employed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got their fingers on information contained on Congressional computers.  We also know that Schultz was at the center of DNC efforts to scuttle Bernie Sanders' presidential aspirations in 2016 and that Schultz was in charge of the DNC when its computers were hacked; the DNC refused to allow the FBI to investigate that.  We also know of the Dems being involved in many purported election frauds around the country in 2018; they stand accused of engineering several Democrats into House offices in California through a ballot scam known as "harvesting."  

With this information, it is not beyond the stretch of imagination to conclude that the odds of the Dems being involved in the hacking of Republican computers are extremely high.   If that turns out to be the case, one also wonders whether or not the FBI would ever let the public know.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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