Wednesday, January 18, 2017



There's been a rumble floating around among some Democrats and reiterated by CNN's Symone Sanders,  to the effect that this is no longer the time for any white leadership in the party.  FOX's Tucker Carlson, himself a Democrat, had Jehmu Greene on his show Monday night; she's seeking to be the new Chair of the Democrat National Committee.  

The interview was contentious to say the least.  She has just referred to the November elections as the "alleged election," and opined that Hillary would have won if it hadn't been for the Russians.  Carlson asked Greene if she agreed with Sanders and, after evading the question a several times, Greene finally conceded that Sanders' comments were not appropriate "at this time."  In other words, she was in a box and had to temporarily relent; she probably went out into the hall after the segment and proclaimed, "F--- whites!" 

Don't tell me that Obama made race relations better in this country. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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