Saturday, January 21, 2017


So spoke the 45th President of the United States after taking the oath of office yesterday. 

That the power of government of our great nation should have to be transferred to we, the people, tells us that we, the people who have had that power in our hands before, failed our country by allowing it to escape our grasps.   

All of the dangers to our republic through which we now have passed bear testimony to the fact that we cannot ever allow again the power of government to pass back to those who would seek to be our masters.  Our responsibility to this power is to serve it, to preserve it and to use it to benefit ourselves and the world... to preserve our way of life, our freedoms and our heritage for ourselves and our children. 

We cannot again allow ourselves the delusional luxury of ignoring our duty to our country and our power, that of being constantly informed about the issues of the day and exercising due diligence in directing their outcomes.  

Let us now take the torch, lay down our differences and bring our country together.  For the first time in decades... our future is truly ours to share.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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