Thursday, January 12, 2017



Donald Trump squarely took on the media yesterday during his press conference.  In particular, he pointed the finger at CNN for its outrageously false story about one of his attorneys, Michael Cohen, in which CNN alleged that Cohen he had visited the Prague and that he was a key link between Russia and Trump's campaign.  According to CNN, the information about the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia was based on “memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative” who did research on Trump for Democrats and Republicans during the presidential race.  

Cohen insisted that he had never been to Czechoslovakia; his passport verified that contention and it turns out that the facts were regarding a different Michael Cohen.  Trump excoriated CNN for publishing false news and refused to take any questions from them.  It also was made evident that the rude behavior of some media and press representatives will not be tolerated in future Trump press conferences.  

We Americans want to know the plain, unfiltered, unspun truth about what is going on in the country.  We are sick and tired of being misled with untrue and manufactured news, especially when it comes from so-called "journalists" who are actually nothing more than political hacks with often sinister agendas.  

It's about time someone in authority in this country stood up to them and put them in their damned places.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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