Wednesday, January 13, 2016



I believe in the fundamental purpose of unions, being to keep employees from being treated like dirt by their employers.  But, there was a time when unions had so much power in this country that they actually struck fear in the hearts of most Americans.  

One of the things they got on was the ability, in many states, to force non-union members to pay union dues if they worked for union shops.  In turn, tons of that dues income was used to buy union influence in political parties, thereby ensuring that enacted laws would favor organized labor.  Ten non-union school teachers filed suit to stop unions from extracting fees from them to support political and other causes with which they disagreed.  

That matter is now before the Supreme Court and there are indications the Court will rule in their favor.  Such a ruling could strip public sector unions of millions of dollars, reducing their income and political power.

I don't believe anybody in this country should be forced to pay for political campaigns; I do believe dues money should be used to pay for the administrative costs associated with the management of the unions and the advancement of union objectives excluding politics.   People of any political persuasion should have equal rights to union protections.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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