Monday, January 04, 2016



Here were my predictions for 2015:
 1.  The Seattle Mariners will not win the World Series.  
2.  Americans will rise up against Obama.  
3.  Congress will not reduce the deficit or spending.  
4.  Nancy Pelosi will get a face lift.  
5.  Barack Obama will say it's time he turned his attention to jobs.  
6.  Iran will acquire a nuclear weapon and Israel will do something about it.  
7.  The stock market will crash.  
8.  Assad will flip Obama off again.  
9.  Bloomberg will announce he is going to run for the Presidency in 2016.  
10.  There will be a showdown over Benghazi.
I think I batted about 70%.   

Here's what I predict for 2016:  

1.  Obama will get caught spying on Donald Trump.  
2.  Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee for president.
3.  80% of those running for reelection to Congress will lose their seats.
4.  Miley Cyrus will not join a convent.  
5.  Tom Brady will get caught over-inflating footballs.  
6.  Nancy Pelosi will try, one more time, to find a cosmetologist willing to give her a face lift.  
7.  Joe Biden will say something absolutely stupid.  
8.  The Chicago White Sox will not win the World Series.  
9.  Michael Moore will keep his mouth shut.  
10. A wave of UFO sightings will occur around the world, several of which will land at Disney World trying to find our president.  

Aren't you glad you asked?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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