Tuesday, January 19, 2016



I've let this simmer on the back burner of my expansive subconscious ever since Obama's State of the Union Address.  Now, it's coming to a boil.  

I think back to when Herman Cain was leading the polling, and how the Republican establishment did everything they could to undermine his candidacy and to install their favorite, Mitt Romney, who promptly led the Party in the opposite direction from the White House in 2012.   I think back to the 2008 elections and how the "establishment" did everything possible to dump Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee and to stick John McCain in the nomination slot, and how that move led to the election of Barack Hussein Obama.  

In 2016, the "establishment" is bound and determined to get Jeb Bush on the ticket and Donald Trump is striking fear in the ranks of the Party's elite.  And although they publicly backed away from any thought of dumping Trump, they could not resist the temptation to lash out and start an undermining campaign against him during their rebuttal to the State of the Union address.  Never mind the fact that Trump continues to tenaciously hang on to the lead in the polls; never mind that the if the split in the Party continues, Hillary could end up being a shoo-in.... they want Bush on the ticket.   

Well, I'd like to say they deserve another disaster, and they do.  But, that's something this nation cannot live through;  allowing Hillary to win will seal the fate of the union, carrying Obama's legacy through another eight years of national hell.  We simply cannot sit by on our haunches and watch them do this to the country.  

To hell with them.  Every member of the Republican "establishment" needs to be removed from office.  And the Party needs to unite before the bottomless toilet gets flushed in November. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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