Wednesday, June 11, 2014



The 74th school shooting since the Newtown, Connecticut massacre has taken place, this one at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon, a suburb of  Portland.  Both the shooter and one student are dead. 

This gun-owning Life Member of the NRA agrees: something has to be done about it.  Gun control is not the answer; in locales where there is strict gun control or guns are outlawed, violent crime rates are significantly higher.  I think putting cops in schools was a logical step, but let's face it: if someone is hell-bent on shooting or stabbing someone else, they'll find a way around the cops, the metal detectors and any other physical barrier we install.  

We simply must get at the root of the problem: Is it too much violence on TV and video games; is it single-parent homes; is it some internal need for love and recognition; is it drug-induced; is it a lack of religious, moral and ethical up-bringing; or is it some combination of these?  There's been a whole lot of lip-service paid to the issue by the Obama regime, virtually all of which has been directed at increased gun control.  But, there's no evidence whatsoever that any one of these measures would have or could have prevented these shootings. 

To my knowledge, there's no credible, comprehensive study of the issue, although two years have passed since Newtown.  Why not?  Could it be that Obama wants the shootings to escalate so he has an excuse for gun control?   When you look at the VA disaster and the lack of action there over years of passive oversight, it compares to the lack of studies and understanding of the real issues associated with these shootings... and there has to be a reason for that, too.  

One thing I do know, and I understand that the Internet is going to be burning up with hate mail to me when I say it but, it's a fact: This horrible surge in stabbings and shootings has all occurred during Obama's time in office.  Period.  

Let that soak in over the morning coffee. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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