Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Everyone is asking, "Why did Obama trade five top Taliban prisoners for one deserter," especially since there are surfacing allegations that a substantial cash ransom was paid as well? 

There is one credible theory making the circuit: Obama desperately needed to switch the national focus from Benghazi and the V.A. scandals and he thought, (incorrectly), that the nation would see it as a positive development.  But, is that the only possibility?

Remember back when the Benghazi Massacre first occurred and there was a credible theory that Obama had arranged with terrorists to conduct a "phony" attack on the Benghazi Consulate, kidnap the Ambassador and then exchange the Ambassador for Khalid Sheik Mohamed?  The working theory is that there would be no resistance... no Marines on the ground to defend the Consulate.  Indeed, the Administration had ignored pleas from Ambassador Stephens and others for increased security and denied requests for assistance as the attack was occurring.  In fact, there are statements to the effect that the three defenders who also lost their lives there had been told to "stand down."  But, they did resist and the attackers were not expecting that; they may have seen it as a trap, which led to the horrible way in which the Ambassador was killed.  

Suppose that this exchange of Bergdahl for the five Taliban was meant to serve as appeasement on the part of the White House, a sort of "peace offering?"  That possibility would certainly explain both the Benghazi cover up and the current frenzy to contain the furor over the switch, wouldn't it?  

One other thought in passing:  Why was the Bergdahl family allowed access to top military officials regarding the ongoing status of their son while the families of those killed in Benghazi were totally shut out?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.     

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